Voice Talent Search

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Search results

    Jim P.

    Jim delivers a trusting, confident read. On the lighter side, he captures a wonderfully storytellin' folksiness, setting the mood to brighten any grandchild's eyes.

    • College Tuition
      anti-announcer, compelling, confident, friendly, genuine, mature, storyteller
    • Lake
      announcer, anti-announcer, confident, folksy, friendly, genuine, homespun, mature, real, retail
    • Our Coast
      announcer, authoritative, Booming, bravado, compelling, confident, informative
    • Dad Call
      anti-announcer, compelling, conversational, father, friendly, guy-next-door, humorous, mature, real, upbeat
    • Trust
      announcer, authoritative, compelling, confident, informative, mature, motivational, older, professional, retail
    • JimP Showcase
      announcer, authoritative, compelling, confident, conversational, corporate, friendly, genuine, grandfather, guy-next-door, homespun, informative, real, retail

    Martha W

    From warm to energetic, Martha's got the right sound for whatever you need!

    • Life Is A Series Of Choices
      anti-announcer, compelling, confessional, inspirational, middle-age, midlife, motivational, sincere, soft-spoken, storyteller, thoughtful, warm
    • EMP 180
      anti-announcer, conversational, friendly, genuine, girl-next-door, informative, middle-age, midlife, real, sincere, thoughtful, warm
    • Wisconsin State Fair
      animated, confident, folksy, high-energy, homespun, middle-age, midlife, upbeat
    • Rooms To Go
      animated, announcer, confident, middle-age, midlife, professional, retail, upbeat
    • Holiday Millionaire Raffle
      animated, announcer, confident, middle-age, midlife, upbeat
    • Showcase Demo

    Brianna B

    A warm and gentle voice to add a realness to your spots.

    • Build A Bear
      anti-announcer, confessional, conversational, genuine, kid-next-door, real, sincere, soft-spoken, storyteller, sweet, thoughtful, warm, young
    • Discovery Kidz
      compelling, confident, conversational, friendly, kid-next-door, upbeat
    • Journey
      compelling, friendly, genuine, inspirational, sincere, sweet
    • Cartoon Network
      announcer, confident, conversational, friendly, kid-next-door, promo, upbeat, young
    • Oreos
      confident, friendly, kid-next-door, promo, upbeat
    • Brianna B Showcase Demo

    Chandler B.

    Bright and friendly female who can add the personal touch.

    • Western Health
      conversational, friendly, genuine, thoughtful, young adult
    • Long John Silvers
      announcer, upbeat, young adult
    • Babies
      compelling, concerned, confident, conversational, fuzzy, inspirational, mellow, smooth, sweet, thoughtful, warm, young adult
    • Teacher
      confident, conversational, cool, sincere, upbeat, young adult
    • Lowes
      announcer, confident, high-energy, tough, upbeat
    • Ideas
      compelling, confident, genuine, informative, inspirational, narrative, storyteller, thoughtful
    • Showcase Demo - Chandler B

    Eva L.

    Full-bodied, a little sexy, and comforting, Eva is sure to bring a pure British accent to any of your voice over needs.

    • Well Bred
      animated, british, elitist, ominous, social-snob, sophisticated, storyteller
    • Unique
      british, concerned, confident, genuine, informative, mature, retail, sincere, sophisticated, technical
    • Steven O'brien
      british, concerned, informative, newscaster, ominous, political, real, serious, sincere
    • 3M- Global
      british, caring, corporate, executive, pompous, professional, sophisticated
    • Carestream Dental
      announcer, british, caring, classy, confident, cool, corporate, executive, professional, smooth, technical, warm, worldly, Medical
    • Human Stories
      accented English, british, caring, corporate, inspirational, motivational, sophisticated
    • Galaxies
      accented English, announcer, classy, compelling, confident, friendly, genuine, informative, inspirational, mellow, midlife, narrative, smooth, sophisticated
    • Eva L Showcase
    Foreign Language: 

    Daisy H

    Daisy has a warm voice that can be both nurturing and authoritative!

    • Daisy H-Commercial Demo.mp3
      announcer, anti-announcer, authoritative, confident, corporate, friendly, Gravitas, informative, inspirational, mother, real, retail, warm
    • Daisy H-E Learning Demo.mp3
      announcer, anti-announcer, authoritative, confident, conversational, friendly, informative, mother, professional, real, sweet, upbeat, warm
    • Daisy H-Narration Demo.mp3
      anti-announcer, Gravitas, impression, informative, motivational, narrative, storyteller, sweet, thoughtful, warm

    Shelley W.

    Shelley has a warm voice that is great for announcer and narration.


    Jalen W

    Jalen has a sweet pre-teen voice that can also be serious, just perfect for your VO needs!

    • Pet Parade
      animated, confident, kid-next-door, perky
    • Smoking PSA
      caring, compelling, concerned, teenager, warm
    • Joy of Reading
      caring, compelling, confident, friendly, imaging
    • World Wildlife Fund
      caring, compelling, concerned, genuine, informative, teenager
    • Remote Classrooms
      compelling, confident, informative, inspirational, teenager, thoughtful
    • Jalen W - Showcase Demo
      announcer, anti-announcer, caring, compelling, concerned, confident, conversational, friendly, informative, inspirational, kid-next-door, neutral, real, serious, sincere, soft-spoken, storyteller, sweet, teenager, upbeat, warm, young

    Arianna G

    Super sweet and super cute sound!

    • Breakfast
      announcer, conversational, friendly, genuine, teenager
    • Girl Power
      announcer, antagonistic, attitude, authoritative, bravado, confident, inspirational, motivational, teenager
    • Beauty From The Sea
      announcer, folksy, friendly, genuine, mellow, sincere, smooth, sweet, thoughtful, warm
    • Super Heros
      announcer, attitude, confident, genuine, narrative, ominous, serious, storyteller, tough
    • Drive Through
      announcer, perky, teenager, upbeat, young
    • Arianna G - Showcase

    Val W

    A confident teenager that puts pep into your spots!
