Jossan U Jossan has a friendly girl next door voice, but can also be a great announcer!Media: Jossan U - Showcaseannouncer, english-showcase, friendly, girl-next-door, retail, storyteller, warm, young Talent DataAge Range: AdultEthnicity: AsianGender: FemaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: non-union
Melissa A Melissa has a smooth voice that is also soft spoken and warm.Media: Melissa A - Demo Reel.mp3announcer, british, caring, holiday, homespun, kooky, narrative, sexy, smooth, soft-spoken, sophisticated, storyteller, warm Talent DataAge Range: AdultGender: FemaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishBritishUnion Eligibility: non-union
Mike C. A trustworthy British voice with dynamic range!!Media: New Languageaccented English, announcer, british, conversational, friendly, inspirational, motivationalWatercraftaccented English, announcer, authoritative, british, high-energy, smooth, upbeatEngineering Innovationaccented English, announcer, british, corporate, professional, worldlyTyrannosaurus Narrationaccented English, british, informative, narrative, storytellerMedical Narrationannouncer, british, corporate, informative, narrative, technicalE-Learningaccented English, announcer, british, corporate, informative, technicalGet A Mapaccented English, announcer, british, friendly, genuineSUVaccented English, announcer, british, edgy, gritty, high-energyCameraaccented English, announcer, british, mellow, sincere, smooth, sophisticatedKing Tut Narrationaccented English, announcer, british, informative, storytellerMike C. - Showcase Talent DataAge Range: Adult40-60Ethnicity: CaucasianGender: MaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishBritishUnion Eligibility: non-union
Kay D. A unique voice that adds sincerity and warmth to any readMedia: Around the Houseanti-announcer, confessional, conversational, country, folksy, genuine, grandmother, homespun, mature, older, realRetirementcaring, confessional, conversational, friendly, genuine, grandmother, homespun, inspirational, older, real, sincere, southern, storyteller, sweet, thoughtful, warmSocial Securityattitude, authoritative, confident, grouchy, informative, mature, older, political, professional, serious, toughCarolinas Promisecaring, classy, cool, country, folksy, genuine, grandmother, homespun, informative, mellow, narrative, older, sincere, smooth, southern, storyteller, thoughtful, warmReliefauthoritative, genuine, high-energy, middle-age, older, perky, promo, retail, upbeatOverdoseattitude, authoritative, compelling, confessional, hard-sell, informative, mature, older, serious, toughThe New Oldannouncer, caring, friendly, genuine, grandmother, mature, motivational, perky, promo, retail, upbeatThe Sparkcaring, classy, fuzzy, mature, motivational, narrative, older, sincere, smooth, thoughtful, warmKay D Showcase Demo Talent DataAge Range: AdultSeniorEthnicity: CaucasianGender: FemaleUnion Eligibility: non-union
Linda P. A strong and emotional delivery with a motherly naturalness that keeps you coming back for more.Media: Being Stillanti-announcer, character, friendly, fuzzy, high-energy, humorous, mother, real, upbeatThe Truthannouncer, friendly, gravelly, informative, middle-age, narrative, smooth, soft-spoken, storytellerIsn't Fall Greatcaring, folksy, friendly, genuine, grandmother, homespun, mature, motivational, older, real, sincere, smooth, sophisticated, sweet, thoughtful, upbeat, warmThe Fight Is Up To Usgenuine, informative, real, serious, sincere, thoughtfulMac 'N' Cheese Bitesfriendly, humorous, mother, upbeatMasculine Scentclassy, cool, ominous, raspy, sexyRaise Your Voiceauthoritative, concerned, genuine, informative, motivational, politicalManipulationannouncer, attitude, authoritative, cool, informative, narrative, serious, storytellerMass Color Cosmeticsannouncer, bravado, classy, informative, motivational, raspyShowcase Demoenglish-showcase Talent DataAge Range: AdultEthnicity: CaucasianGender: FemaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: Union
Lyssa G. From sassy to girl next door to soccer mom, Lyssa can bring it all!Media: CVSanti-announcer, attitude, confident, conversational, cool, edgy, girl-next-door, humorous, raspy, real, soccer mom, upbeatRestoration Plusanti-announcer, attitude, confident, conversational, cool, friendly, genuine, girl-next-door, informative, raspy, real, sincereTeens' Brainsannouncer, informative, long form, narrative, neutral, professional, real, storyteller, thoughtful4-Star General vs. Momanimated, anti-announcer, attitude, authoritative, compelling, confident, conversational, cool, girl-next-door, inspirational, mother, motivational, realOur Cityannouncer, authoritative, compelling, confident, cool, friendly, girl-next-door, narrative, real, soccer mom, upbeatMaybellineanimated, announcer, attitude, authoritative, compelling, confident, cool, girl-next-door, promo, retail, upbeatCadillacclassy, compelling, corporate, elitist, executive, inspirational, mellow, motivational, romantic, sexy, smooth, social-snob, sophisticated, warmMy Daddy Always Saidaccented, accented English, animated, country, folksy, homespun, southern, storytellerShowcase Demoenglish-showcase Talent DataAge Range: AdultEthnicity: CaucasianGender: FemaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: Union
Tim P. Wow! Tim has a smooth, yet authoritative voice coupled with years of experience.Media: Fishing Boatfolksy, friendly, genuine, gravelly, guy-next-door, homespun, real, sincere, warmBistro and Wine Barclassy, mellow, romantic, smooth, sophisticated, warmTurkey Tipsfriendly, genuine, guy-next-door, holiday, homespun, sincereLuxury Automotiveannouncer, classy, mellow, smoothSeason Ticketsanimated, announcer, authoritative, gravelly, hard-sell, high-energy, sportscaster, upbeatWhat if?anti-announcer, cool, friendly, genuine, mellow, smooth, thoughtful, warmHigh Speed Internetannouncer, hard-sell, high-energy, retail, upbeatPolice Officersantagonistic, attitude, authoritative, biting, gravelly, gritty, ominous, serious, toughHuman Resourcesannouncer, friendly, genuineChildren's Hospitalannouncer, caring, friendly, fuzzy, genuine, mellow, nurse, sincere, smooth, soft-spoken, thoughtful, warmCash for Grubcountry, cowboy, folksy, gravelly, gritty, mellow, smooth, southern, storytellerPoliticalcountry, friendly, genuine, gravelly, homespun, political, southern, storytellerThe Voice Inside Your Headantagonistic, attitude, authoritative, gritty, toughOfficer McNabbantagonistic, authoritative, cocky, gritty, guy-next-door, midlife, pompous, real, serious, sincere, toughShowcase Demoenglish-showcase Talent DataAge Range: AdultGender: MaleUnion Eligibility: non-union
Kwame R. Confident youthful sound and unforgettable characters.Media: Turn it Upanti-announcer, authoritative, coach, genuine, informative, motivational, retailWhole Grain OatsAfrican American, announcer, cool, high-energy, perky, promo, retail, upbeatSpicy ShrimpAfrican American, anti-announcer, gravelly, hard-sell, humorous, jazzy, oddball, perky, promo, retail, upbeatLimboAfrican American, cartoon, character, jamaicanHot Workannouncer, attitude, authoritative, cocky, country, folksy, genuine, gravelly, gritty, high-energy, homespun, motivational, pompous, raspy, serious, southern, storyteller, stuffed-shirt, toughGold BondAfrican American, anti-announcer, attitude, authoritative, cocky, high-energy, pompous, retail, stuffed-shirt, tough, upbeatHomefrontAfrican American, attitude, bravado, cocky, cool, gravelly, gritty, raspy, real, serious, toughNorthpoint HealthAfrican American, announcer, caring, concerned, cool, fuzzy, mellow, smooth, thoughtful, warmJamie FoxxAfrican American, attitude, authoritative, gritty, hard-sell, hip-hop, imaging, tough, upbeatCar Credit CityAfrican American, animated, attitude, cartoon, character, high-energy, humorous, kooky, oddballQuik Paycharacter, cool, country, folksy, friendly, genuine, homespun, middle-age, midlife, real, retro, sincere, southern, storyteller, thoughtfulWilderness TramAfrican, jamaicanEncoreAfrican American, guy-next-door, high-energy, humorous, oddball, perky, real, singers, upbeatKwame R ShowcaseKwameR Politcal ReelAfrican American, announcer, anti-announcer, attitude, compelling, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, informative, inspirational, political, real, Straight Forward Talent DataAge Range: AdultEthnicity: African AmericanGender: MaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: Open Status
Marsha M. With the ability to lure you in like you've known her forever, Marsha's voice invites us to trust her with any spot she reads.Media: Worth It's Weightanti-announcer, confident, conversational, friendly, narrative, professional, storyteller, upbeatGentle Roastannouncer, confident, conversational, friendly, inspirational, mellow, midlife, smooth, warmThe Sports Sedanannouncer, compelling, confident, cool, elitist, inspirational, ominous, sophisticatedCome Homeconfident, conversational, folksy, friendly, genuine, inspirational, sincere, soft-spoken, warmGood ol' Dadcaring, conversational, folksy, friendly, fuzzy, genuine, homespun, nostalgic, realProposalattitude, character, confessional, humorous, nostalgicAwards Showbravado, confident, corporate, friendly, high-energy, informative, sophisticated, upbeat, warmComfortconfident, conversational, informative, inspirationalThe Kitchenconfessional, confident, conversational, nostalgicHow Did I Get Hereconfessional, confident, conversational, storytellerOne Momentconfident, conversational, informative, inspirationalEveryday Personcompelling, confessional, edgy, narrative, serious, sincere, soft-spokenLike Lifeconfessional, confident, conversational, genuine, hipster, perky, romantic, sexy, warmGood Is Goodconfident, conversational, inspirational, mellow, perky, upbeat, warmMarsha M Showcase Talent DataAge Range: AdultGender: FemaleUnion Eligibility: Union
Theressa B. That strong motherly figure with a smooth, warm voice.Media: LuxuryAfrican American, authoritative, cocky, compelling, confident, hard-sell, high-energy, middle-age, promo, retail, upbeatAfter SchoolAfrican American, attitude, authoritative, character, edgy, middle-age, midlife, mother, ominous, real, stuffed-shirt, toughThe Right PeopleAfrican American, announcer, authoritative, classy, confident, cool, friendly, genuine, middle-age, midlife, professional, real, sincere, sweet, thoughtful, warmTrue StoriesAfrican American, anti-announcer, caring, cool, friendly, fuzzy, genuine, informative, mellow, middle-age, midlife, mother, narrative, real, sincere, smooth, storyteller, sweet, thoughtful, warmYMCAannouncer, compelling, confident, friendly, genuine, promo, sweet, upbeat, warmFinally GrownAfrican American, caring, concerned, conversational, friendly, genuine, homespun, mellow, middle-age, midlife, mother, nostalgic, real, sincere, smooth, thoughtful, warmCommunity CollegeAfrican American, genuine, informative, middle-age, promo, warmCancer Treatmentcaring, friendly, genuine, inspirational, thoughtful, warmReadingcaring, friendly, fuzzy, genuine, inspirational, middle-age, mother, sincere, storyteller, sweet, warmTheressa B Showcase Demo Talent DataAge Range: AdultEthnicity: African AmericanGender: FemaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: non-union