Voice Talent Search

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Search results

    Chris M

    A bright male voice, with amazing range!

    • 01 - Tiajuna Flats
      announcer, high-energy, kooky, oddball, perky, promo, upbeat
    • 02 - Fentanyl
      anti-announcer, caring, concerned, conversational, genuine, informative, mellow, serious, thoughtful
    • 03 - Fishing
      confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door, mellow, storyteller, thoughtful, warm
    • 04 - Queso
      announcer, attitude, character, confident, high-energy, perky, upbeat
    • 05 - It's Possible
      anti-announcer, caring, conversational, genuine, Gravitas, informative, inspirational, smooth, thoughtful
    • 06 - Cookies
      confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, motivational, smooth, thoughtful, upbeat, warm
    • 07 - Chris M. Showcase Demo
      announcer, anti-announcer, caring, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, high-energy, informative, mellow, motivational, perky, smooth, thoughtful, upbeat, warm

    Sarah Se

    Sarah has a smooth and sexy voice. She has a great upbeat energy and has a tender compassionate side.

    • Commercial Reel 2025
    • Elephant Ivory
      accented, accented English, anti-announcer, british, caring, concerned, confessional, conversational, genuine, real, serious, sincere, soft-spoken, storyteller
    • Hair Styling
      accented, accented English, announcer, british, compelling, cool, english-showcase, impression, raspy, sexy, smooth
    • Product Development
      accented English, authoritative, british, classy, confident, corporate, english-showcase, informative, long form, neutral
    • Sapphire Isle
      accented, accented English, announcer, british, classy, compelling, confident, cool, english-showcase, edgy, imaging, impression, sexy, sophisticated
    Foreign Language: 

    Eric W.

    Great, everyman sound, versatile - cuts through the clutter.

    Eric W. VO videos

    Client Comments:

    "Eric is a superb talent, and it was really a pleasure working with him again."

    "Nice doing business with folks like you, Eric and Jessica whose talent and professionalism helps us take things to a higher level."


    Jay La.

    Jay's deeply rich, mature voice is smooth urban.

    • Sales Playbook
      African American, anti-announcer, confident, conversational
    • Hammerin' Hank
      African American, friendly, genuine, narrative, storyteller
    • Downtown General
      African American, character, conversational, real
    • Ode to the Givers
      African American, anti-announcer, classy, friendly, fuzzy, holiday, smooth, warm
    • Audium
      African American, announcer, cool, Deep Voice, promo, retail
    • Downtown Zoo
      accented English, character, cocky, Deep Voice, sexy, smooth
    • Quick Serve
      African American, attitude, character, cocky, gritty, promo
    • Casey Family Services
      African American, caring, compelling, Deep Voice, Gravitas, serious, thoughtful
    • Steak Burgers
      African American, Deep Voice, mellow, promo, smooth
    • Insurance
      African American, authoritative, corporate, sincere
    • Sisko's
      African American, kooky, promo, upbeat
    • Give Blood
      anti-announcer, compelling, genuine, motivational
    • Used Cars
      anti-announcer, biting, character, gritty, new-jersey
    • Country Boy
      African American, character, country, folksy, genuine, homespun
    • Tailgate
      African American, friendly, guy-next-door, promo
    • Jamaica
      African American, cool, jamaican, mellow
    • Busy Busy
      African American, animated, upbeat
    • Men in Black
      African American, attitude, character, crazy, humorous
    • Show and Tell
      African American, caring, fuzzy, guy-next-door, mature, midlife, storyteller, thoughtful, warm
    • Political Demo
      english-showcase, political
    • Showcase Demo

    Paul K.


    A great actor who can portray any character you need and the consummate spokesperson with years of experience.

    • Here's To...
      anti-announcer, caring, compelling, conversational, folksy, friendly, genuine, homespun, imaging, narrative, nostalgic, real, storyteller
    • Queso
      anti-announcer, attitude, cocky, confident, extreme, fortuneteller, gritty, impression, informative, movie-trailer, oddball
    • Mrs. Fields
      anti-announcer, caring, compelling, folksy, friendly, fuzzy, grandfather, homespun, mature, mellow, nostalgic, soft-spoken
    • Toyota
      announcer, attitude, authoritative, Booming, bravado, confident, hard-sell, professional, retail, sportscaster
    • King Of Rum
      authoritative, cool, edgy, gravelly, gritty, mature, Sam Elliott style, sexy
    • ZzQuil
      anti-announcer, caring, confessional, conversational, friendly, homespun, narrative, retail, soft-spoken
    • Buster
      conversational, friendly, fuzzy, genuine, guy-next-door, homespun, humorous, mellow, middle-age, real
    • Lacks Furniture
      character, confident, conversational, folksy, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door, homespun, humorous, promo, retail, storyteller
    • Long Days
      anti-announcer, folksy, homespun
    • Apples
      conversational, real, street-interview, upbeat, worldly
    • Toyota Great Deals
      anti-announcer, conversational, friendly, homespun, real
    • Repair
      anti-announcer, attitude, biting, cool, deadpan, gritty
    • Newsreel
      animated, announcer, character, newscaster, nostalgic, oddball, professional, promo
    • Daybreak
    • Cartoon Truck
      cartoon, character, oddball
    • Immortals
      announcer, bravado, compelling, confident, Deep Voice, Gravitas, mature, middle-age, movie-trailer
    • Yard Boy
      nerd, wimp
    • Zostavax- Medical
      announcer, caring, informative, Medical, professional, technical
    • Beans
      character, foreign, humorous, oddball
    • Baked
      announcer, friendly, informative, retail
    • Laundry
      attitude, character, cocky, new-jersey, new-york
    • Friday the 13th
      attitude, biting, movie-trailer, ominous
    • Repair Bill
      announcer, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door
    • Political Demo
    • Showcase Demo

    Julianne K.

    From bright and sassy to caring and concerned through the voices of many memorable characters.

    • Weight Watchers
      bravado, compelling, confident, friendly, hard-sell, high-energy, perky, promo, upbeat
    • Faquire Health
      caring, confident, friendly, genuine, middle-age, midlife, real, sincere, sweet, thoughtful, warm
    • Tailgate
      Booming, bravado, concerned, conversational, humorous, middle-age, mother, soccer mom
    • Chilis
      announcer, attitude, bravado, compelling, confident, friendly, hard-sell, perky, promo, upbeat, warm
    • Walmart
      accented, character, classy, confident, conversational, cool, elitist, smooth, social-snob, sophisticated
    • Let's Dish
      anti-announcer, attitude, confident, conversational, edgy, grouchy, middle-age, midlife, real
    • Andes
      classy, compelling, cool, raspy, sexy, smooth
    • Wendy's
      authoritative, biting, Booming, character, conversational, friendly, humorous, middle-age, midlife, mother, promo, real, soccer mom, tough
    • Hospital
      announcer, caring, friendly, genuine, inspirational, promo, sincere, thoughtful, warm
    • Teacher
      caring, confessional, confident, conversational, friendly, fuzzy, genuine, real, sincere, storyteller, sweet, thoughtful, upbeat, warm, young adult
    • Opioid
      announcer, authoritative, compelling, concerned, corporate, neutral, professional, serious
    • Jerrys
      announcer, character, compelling, cool, girl-next-door, romantic, sexy, smooth
    • Fortune Teller
      character, fortuneteller, ominous
    • E-Bond
      compelling, informative, newscaster, professional
    • Christmas
      animated, announcer, cartoon, character, concerned, conversational, friendly, fuzzy, genuine, holiday, nostalgic, sweet, warm
    • Cingular Wireless
      announcer, friendly, high-energy, informative, perky, upbeat
    • University of Kentucky Hospital
      anti-announcer, caring, compelling, fuzzy, genuine, inspirational, mellow, middle-age, midlife, real, sincere, sweet, thoughtful
    • MonteLago
      announcer, classy, compelling, confident, corporate, friendly, informative, professional, promo, smooth, sophisticated, sweet, upbeat, warm
    • Presbyterian Health
      accented, character, compelling, confessional, country, folksy, genuine, homespun, middle-age, midlife
    • Quick-Go
      attitude, confident, conversational, cool, humorous, real, storyteller
    • Political - Negative
    • Political - Positive
    • Julianne K - Showcase Demo

    Brent K.

    Brent's reassuring midlife to older reads give you a great feeling of confidence, that is until he throws one of his wacky character reads at you!

    • Budget Billing
      anti-announcer, conversational, folksy, homespun, Matter of Fact, older, sincere, storyteller, upbeat
    • Phoenix Group
      announcer, authoritative, Booming, bravado, compelling, confident, Gravitas, inspirational, mature, motivational, tough
    • Retirement Community
      caring, compelling, conversational, friendly, genuine, grandfather, real, sincere, storyteller
    • Corner Drugstore
      animated, confident, folksy, friendly, homespun, upbeat
    • Beat Cancer
      announcer, caring, father, genuine, inspirational, mature, mellow, real, sincere
    • Historic Letter
      anti-announcer, authoritative, character, folksy, grandfather, gravelly, homespun, older, raspy
    • Weeds Obey
      announcer, biting, Booming, bravado, character, cowboy, edgy, gravelly
    • Internet Fairy Tale
      animated, announcer, fortuneteller, mature, movie-trailer, narrative, older, ominous
    • AAA Families
      caring, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, grandfather, informative, inspirational, real, sincere, warm
    • Vision Loss
      animated, caring, compelling, concerned, genuine, hard-sell, informative, serious
    • Easy Living
      announcer, caring, classy, friendly, humorous, real
    • Fried Pickle
      announcer, confident, middle-age, midlife, narrative, newscaster, sportscaster
    • Play with Tools
      announcer, bravado, cool, gritty, raspy
    • Pure Silk
      announcer, friendly, genuine, informative, middle-age, retail
    • Country Time
      animated, cartoon, character, country, cowboy, crazy, homespun
    • Father's Day
      caring, friendly, guy-next-door, homespun, sincere, thoughtful, upbeat
    • Character Reel
      animated, announcer, character, friendly, humorous, pompous, retail, superhero
    • West Indies
      announcer, friendly, genuine, mature, mellow, middle-age, promo
    • Your Time
      announcer, caring, friendly, genuine, informative, sincere
    • The Future of Banking
      announcer, caring, friendly, guy-next-door, upbeat, warm
    • Boundless Potential
      announcer, friendly, genuine, inspirational, middle-age, motivational
    • Win Big
      announcer, high-energy, middle-age
    • The Missing Link
      announcer, caring, friendly, genuine, humorous, middle-age
    • Endless Innovation
      announcer, friendly, mature, middle-age, narrative
    • Political Showcase-Brent K
    • Brent K - Talent Showcase

    Lynn B.

    Fresh, clean, sincere sounding female with a great natural ability.

    • Chewy
      announcer, confident, conversational, cool, friendly, genuine, perky, sincere, upbeat
    • Centrica
      caring, compelling, concerned, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, singers, thoughtful, warm
    • Adele - Thirty
      announcer, sincere, smooth, warm
    • Milestone Builders
      announcer, confident, high-energy, retail, upbeat
    • Your kitchen table
      anti-announcer, caring, conversational, friendly, fuzzy, genuine, homespun, inspirational, mellow, middle-age, midlife, mother, real, sincere, soft-spoken, storyteller, thoughtful, warm
    • First Discoveries
      announcer, confident, friendly, genuine, mother, sincere, upbeat
    • Peanuts
      confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, high-energy, mother, perky, real, soccer mom, upbeat
    • Trulicity
      anti-announcer, authoritative, confident, corporate, informative, long form, serious, technical, Matter of Fact, Medical, Straight Forward
    • Summer around these parts
      confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, humorous, perky, upbeat
    • Rewards
      high-energy, humorous, kooky, real, upbeat
    • iCare
      announcer, caring, confident, informative, sincere, thoughtful, warm
    • Magical
      cartoon, character, friendly, kooky, storyteller, upbeat
    • Rhode Island Energy
      anti-announcer, caring, compelling, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, homespun, middle-age, nostalgic, real, sincere, soft-spoken, thoughtful, warm
    • Affordable Tools
      attitude, biting, confident, friendly, genuine, middle-age, real, upbeat
    • Mothers Brewing
      animated, authoritative, character, conversational, genuine, grandmother, mature, older, raspy, real
    • John Marshall Bank
      announcer, british, character, classy, confident, mature, pompous, social-snob, sophisticated, stuffed-shirt
    • Trax App
      announcer, confident, corporate, friendly, informative
    • Political Demo
      announcer, authoritative, political
    • Lynn B - Showcase

    Peter S.

    A range as wide as the Atlantic, from hard-sell to Brit-next-door Peter can take your brand or project to the next level.

    Foreign Language: 

    Jon T.

    Strong and Contemplative, Jon's voice will give your spot that unique sound you've been looking for.

    • You Demand More
      attitude, authoritative, bravado, confident, cool, Deep Voice, edgy, gravelly, gritty, raspy, tough
    • Tour CA
      announcer, edgy, gravelly, gritty, informative, upbeat
    • Hospital Center
      authoritative, informative, mellow, neutral, professional, smooth, soft-spoken, thoughtful
    • Spoken Word
      compelling, confessional, conversational, guy-next-door, mature, middle-age, midlife, narrative, nostalgic, older, real, smooth, soft-spoken, warm
    • Electric Company
      conversational, guy-next-door, informative, real, smooth, warm
    • Amazing Power
      announcer, attitude, confident, conversational, cool, ominous, pompous, promo, retail, smooth
    • The Hand
      anti-announcer, compelling, conversational, informative, inspirational, motivational, soft-spoken, storyteller, technical, thoughtful, warm
    • The Perfect Weekend
      announcer, attitude, cocky, cool, Deep Voice, edgy, gravelly, gritty, guy-next-door, raspy, smooth
    • The Real Story
      concerned, confessional, confident, genuine, homespun, informative, inspirational, motivational, narrative, neutral, political
    • Basic Plugs
      antagonistic, anti-announcer, authoritative, biting, bravado, cocky, cool, corporate, deadpan, Deep Voice, edgy, extreme, high-energy, informative, motivational, ominous, tough
    • Jon T - Talent Showcase