Tim D With his gravelly tone, and energy ranging from laid-back guy next door to full on caffeinated, Tim has the voice you need to carry your message!Media: North Shore Bankanti-announcer, conversational, folksy, friendly, genuine, gravelly, guy-next-door, homespun, mellow, narrative, raspy, real, storyteller, warmHy-Veeanimated, announcer, real, upbeatThe Countrycompelling, conversational, folksy, friendly, genuine, gravelly, guy-next-door, homespun, inspirational, motivational, raspy, real, storyteller, warmLet's Face Itanimated, attitude, biting, confident, edgy, gravelly, gritty, raspy, toughLiving In A Place Like Thisanimated, anti-announcer, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, gravelly, guy-next-door, homespun, inspirational, motivational, raspy, storyteller, upbeatPittsburgh Technical Collegeanti-announcer, confident, conversational, gravelly, guy-next-door, inspirational, motivational, raspyOne Year Agoanti-announcer, conversational, genuine, gravelly, guy-next-door, inspirational, mellow, narrative, raspy, real, sincere, storyteller, thoughtful, warmShowcase Demo - Tim D.mp3 Talent DataAge Range: AdultEthnicity: CaucasianGender: MaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: non-union
Sam A. Smooth and deep with an ear catching toneMedia: Search Boxanti-announcer, authoritative, Deep Voice, Gravitas, motivational, sincere, storytellerTanning Salonannouncer, mellow, smooth, warmNew Orleansfriendly, informative, storytellerThe Health Servicecaring, Deep Voice, real, storyteller, thoughtful, warmGourmet Deli MeatsDeep Voice, friendly, mellow, real, warmFrenchDeep Voice, foreign-language, french, friendly, genuine, Gravitas, warmSam A Showcase Talent DataAge Range: AdultEthnicity: AmbiguousGender: MaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishFrenchUnion Eligibility: non-unionForeign Language: French
Hunter D. Hunter has a young sound and enthusiasm to match. You'll like what you hear!Media: Blue Cross Blue Shieldanti-announcer, caring, compelling, concerned, genuine, guy-next-door, inspirational, mellow, millennial, motivational, sincere, soft-spoken, thoughtful, warm, young adultCommitmentattitude, authoritative, confident, Gravitas, gritty, narrative, tough, young adultOptimaanti-announcer, confessional, conversational, cool, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door, informative, millennial, narrative, real, sincere, soft-spoken, storyteller, thoughtful, young adultTeambuilding Exercisesanimated, attitude, confident, cool, guy-next-door, humorous, millennial, narrative, storyteller, upbeat, young adultGood vs. Exceptionalanimated, anti-announcer, confident, conversational, cool, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door, millennial, narrative, real, storyteller, upbeat, young adult Talent DataAge Range: TeenEthnicity: CaucasianGender: MaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: non-union
Gigi Y. TopTenGigi has a warm, rich tone that runs the gamut from mid-range to deeper, with just the right amount of "rasp" to make your project unique!Media: Scheels - She Runsanti-announcer, cool, gravelly, inspirational, mellow, motivational, narrative, raspy, smooth, soft-spoken, sophisticated, storyteller, thoughtful, warm, worldlyMcDonald'sanimated, announcer, confident, gravelly, promo, raspy, retail, smooth, upbeatPolitical Demoannouncer, authoritative, compelling, concerned, confident, gravelly, Gravitas, informative, inspirational, narrative, ominous, political, raspy, serious, sincere, smooth, soft-spoken, sophisticated, storyteller, thoughtful, tough, warmFresh Expressanimated, anti-announcer, confident, cool, folksy, friendly, gravelly, informative, inspirational, perky, raspy, retail, smooth, upbeatComfort Keepersanti-announcer, caring, compelling, concerned, confident, conversational, folksy, friendly, fuzzy, homespun, inspirational, mellow, motivational, narrative, sincere, smooth, storyteller, thoughtful, warmAngie's List - Dentistanti-announcer, caring, confident, conversational, cool, friendly, genuine, homespun, informative, middle-age, mother, narrative, raspy, sincere, storyteller, warmPODSanimated, anti-announcer, attitude, authoritative, classy, confident, cool, informative, narrative, perky, promo, raspy, retail, smooth, storyteller, upbeatAeons Agoaccented English, classy, compelling, Deep Voice, fortuneteller, gravelly, Gravitas, mature, motivational, narrative, ominous, raspy, serious, smooth, sophisticated, storytellerThere Is Life Hereanti-announcer, caring, classy, compelling, confident, cool, gravelly, inspirational, mellow, motivational, narrative, raspy, soft-spoken, sophisticated, storyteller, thoughtful, warmKeeping Activeanti-announcer, caring, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, motivational, real, sincere, smooth, upbeat, warmMy Credit Unionanti-announcer, caring, confident, cool, friendly, homespun, informative, mellow, motivational, narrative, raspy, sincere, smooth, thoughtful, warmDasanianti-announcer, classy, compelling, cool, deadpan, inspirational, jazzy, mellow, motivational, narrative, raspy, romantic, sexy, smooth, soft-spoken, sophisticated, thoughtful, warm, worldlyHappy Animal Jungleanimated, confident, cool, hard-sell, high-energy, perky, retail, upbeat, youngerPilotsNPawsanti-announcer, authoritative, caring, compelling, concerned, friendly, fuzzy, genuine, gravelly, informative, inspirational, motivational, narrative, real, serious, sincere, smooth, soft-spoken, thoughtful, warmLightkeeper Proanimated, announcer, confident, cool, friendly, high-energy, holiday, perky, raspy, retail, upbeatHoly Name Hospitalannouncer, caring, compelling, corporate, friendly, genuine, informative, mellow, motivational, professional, sincere, smooth, warmGerberannouncer, authoritative, friendly, informative, narrative, professional, smooth, warmResort at Seabrook Islandanti-announcer, cool, jazzy, mellow, narrative, raspy, smooth, soft-spoken, storyteller, thoughtfulIn the heart of every person....caring, compelling, concerned, confident, inspirational, motivational, narrative, serious, sincere, storyteller, thoughtful, warmI Know What You're Thinking...animated, antagonistic, anti-announcer, attitude, confident, cool, edgy, upbeatPennsylvania Tourismanti-announcer, conversational, cool, folksy, friendly, genuine, homespun, narrative, raspy, sincere, smooth, storytellerI Can't See Youanti-announcer, caring, concerned, confessional, gravelly, mellow, raspy, romantic, sexy, thoughtfulFarmer's Freshannouncer, confident, friendly, genuine, narrative, promo, retail, smooth, upbeatExploit the Weatherannouncer, authoritative, compelling, confident, executive, informative, long form, narrative, newscaster, professional, serious, technicalGigi YpoliticalThe Gift Studioaccented English, animated, cartoon, character, holiday, humorous, irishDupont Standoxaccented English, announcer, authoritative, german, informative, narrative, professional, technicalSantylannouncer, authoritative, confident, corporate, executive, gravelly, informative, narrative, professional, raspy, smooth, technicalShakers & Moversanimated, anti-announcer, confident, friendly, perky, retail, smooth, upbeatGigi Y. - Showcase Demo Talent DataAge Range: AdultEthnicity: CaucasianGender: FemaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: Open Status
John Dr. This world-class announcer adds importance to your message with a variety of styles.Media: Real Vodkaantagonistic, anti-announcer, attitude, authoritative, cocky, cool, grittyZerocaring, informativeRingannouncer, attitude, authoritative, Deep Voice, edgy, Gravitas, gritty, promoDynasty Warriorsannouncer, bravado, high-energy, promoCars Landimaging, upbeatHalfway Around The WorldstorytellerStream Moviesfriendly, genuineRevengegritty, toughSportscenterimaging, sportscasterPromiseauthoritative, Booming, Gravitas, promo, seriousTotal Checking AccountfriendlyHumble Junk Drawerhumorous, storytellerNarration DemonarrativePolitical DemopoliticalStoryteller Showcaseenglish-showcase, storytellerCommercial Showcaseenglish-showcaseMovie Trailersannouncer, movie-trailerImaging Showcaseenglish-showcase, imagingShowcase Demoenglish-showcase Talent DataAge Range: Adult40-60Ethnicity: CaucasianGender: MaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: Union
Jan C. Mid-range, narrative type, spokeswoman, warm and friendly to older, mature.Media: A Challenging Journeyannouncer, attitude, caring, classy, compelling, confident, informative, inspirational, middle-age, midlife, motivational, promo, sincere, smooth, tough, warmHer Heartcaring, compelling, concerned, conversational, friendly, genuine, mellow, middle-age, midlife, mother, nurse, real, serious, sincere, smooth, soft-spoken, sweet, thoughtful, warmResource Guideauthoritative, corporate, informative, mature, middle-age, midlife, motivational, narrative, neutral, professional, serious, technicalDay on the Beachclassy, cool, fuzzy, mellow, middle-age, midlife, narrative, raspy, sexy, smooth, soft-spoken, sophisticated, storyteller, thoughtful, warmHall Autoannouncer, authoritative, bravado, executive, gritty, informative, motivational, narrative, newscaster, political, promo, serious, sophisticated, sportscaster, street-interview, toughMedicalauthoritative, confident, corporate, informative, professional, technicalHelping Himselfannouncer, authoritative, biting, gritty, homespun, informative, inspirational, political, serious, sincere, tough, warmElephantsanti-announcer, caring, compelling, concerned, conversational, genuine, real, sincere, storytellerChildren of Abusecompelling, concerned, genuine, informative, real, serious, sincere, thoughtfulSurgeryanti-announcer, confessional, midlife, real, sincere, storyteller, warmRomance Mysteryedgy, impression, sexy, sophisticated, storytellerHealth Problemscaring, character, concerned, conversational, genuine, grandmother, mature, older, sincere, soft-spoken, storyteller, sweet, thoughtful, warmHoldupantagonistic, attitude, authoritative, biting, Booming, bravado, character, crazy, drill-sergeant, edgy, extreme, gravelly, Gravitas, gritty, grouchy, middle-age, midlife, oddball, toughEXP.comclassy, confident, mature, mellow, middle-age, midlife, professional, smooth, sophisticatedCancer Awarenesscaring, concerned, confessional, conversational, genuine, mature, middle-age, midlife, real, soft-spoken, thoughtful, warmWake Up Callanimated, character, country, friendly, southern, upbeatEvery Halloweenanimated, cartoon, character, fortuneteller, grandmother, gravelly, grouchy, holiday, kookyJan C Showcase Demo Talent DataAge Range: Senior40-60Ethnicity: CaucasianGender: FemaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: non-union
MollyJean W. Sweet girl with a lot of energy. Can deliver warm and real reads.Media: Smileanimated, anti-announcer, confident, conversational, cool, friendly, kid-next-door, perky, retail, teenager, upbeat, young, youngerClaire'sanimated, anti-announcer, attitude, confident, conversational, cool, friendly, genuine, inspirational, kid-next-door, motivational, perky, real, retail, teenager, upbeat, young, youngerHere We Areattitude, authoritative, compelling, confident, cool, Gravitas, inspirational, motivational, narrative, serious, storyteller, teenager, thoughtful, young, youngerThe Giversanti-announcer, caring, compelling, confessional, conversational, cool, inspirational, kid-next-door, motivational, narrative, sincere, storyteller, teenager, thoughtful, warm, young, youngerBy My Sideanti-announcer, caring, compelling, confessional, confident, conversational, cool, genuine, inspirational, kid-next-door, motivational, real, sincere, teenager, thoughtful, warm, young, youngerDreamsanti-announcer, compelling, conversational, cool, genuine, inspirational, kid-next-door, narrative, real, sincere, storyteller, teenager, thoughtful, young, youngerShipwreck Reefanimated, conversational, cool, friendly, genuine, kid-next-door, narrative, real, storyteller, teenager, upbeat, young, youngerShowcase Demo - MollyJean W. Talent DataAge Range: TweenTeenEthnicity: CaucasianGender: FemaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: non-union
Ashley W. From softspoken and sweet to upbeat, Ashley brings just the right brightness for your project!Media: Popeyes Family FeastAfrican American, anti-announcer, confident, cool, folksy, friendly, girl-next-door, homespun, jazzy, millennial, smooth, young, young adultReimagine The Workplaceanimated, anti-announcer, compelling, confident, conversational, cool, corporate, friendly, genuine, girl-next-door, informative, millennial, motivational, narrative, professional, sincere, smooth, upbeat, young adultWanna Save Moneyanti-announcer, classy, compelling, confident, conversational, cool, friendly, genuine, girl-next-door, homespun, millennial, real, smooth, storyteller, sweet, upbeat, warm, young adultOur Worldcaring, classy, compelling, concerned, confessional, cool, Gravitas, inspirational, mellow, millennial, motivational, narrative, romantic, smooth, sophisticated, storyteller, warm, young adultWe're Sports Fansanimated, attitude, confident, cool, girl-next-door, hard-sell, millennial, motivational, retail, upbeat, young adultExcess Weightannouncer, caring, compelling, concerned, confessional, friendly, fuzzy, genuine, Gravitas, homespun, informative, inspirational, mellow, millennial, motivational, narrative, serious, sincere, smooth, soft-spoken, storyteller, thoughtful, warm, young adultSundaracompelling, cool, inspirational, mellow, motivational, romantic, smooth, soft-spoken, warm, young, younger, young adultBlue Cross Blue Shieldanti-announcer, caring, compelling, confident, conversational, cool, friendly, genuine, girl-next-door, informative, inspirational, mellow, millennial, motivational, narrative, soft-spoken, thoughtful, warm, younger, young adultPregnant - Daughteranimated, anti-announcer, compelling, concerned, conversational, genuine, girl-next-door, millennial, real, sincere, teenager, young, younger, young adultNanticoke Physician Networkannouncer, corporate, friendly, homespun, millennial, narrative, professional, sincere, upbeat, warm, younger, young adultAndroid Smartphone at Krogeranimated, announcer, confident, conversational, cool, friendly, girl-next-door, millennial, real, retail, teenager, upbeat, younger, young adultHiland Dairyconfident, conversational, cool, folksy, friendly, homespun, millennial, narrative, sincere, soft-spoken, storyteller, sweet, warm, younger, young adultUSDA Rural Developmentanti-announcer, conversational, cool, folksy, girl-next-door, homespun, millennial, narrative, real, sincere, soft-spoken, storyteller, sweet, thoughtful, upbeat, warm, younger, young adultShowcase Demo - Ashley W. Talent DataAge Range: AdultEthnicity: African AmericanGender: FemaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: non-union
Alonzo P. Alonzo's rich voice and warm delivery is just what you need for your message - caring and energetic!Media: How We BeginAfrican American, compelling, confident, inspirational, motivational, narrative, nostalgic, smooth, soft-spoken, storyteller, warmThis Is BriskAfrican American, animated, authoritative, confident, cool, hard-sell, high-energy, upbeatHoliday ScratchersAfrican American, animated, announcer, cool, holiday, promo, retail, smooth, upbeatParents - Voice of ReasonAfrican American, conversational, cool, father, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door, smooth, soft-spoken, storyteller, upbeatPurpose In LifeAfrican American, animated, attitude, authoritative, confident, cool, high-energy, motivational, retail, upbeatStar Central CableAfrican American, animated, announcer, confident, promo, retail, upbeatThe Birth Of Your ChildAfrican American, caring, compelling, cool, genuine, homespun, narrative, smooth, storyteller, thoughtful, warmSuccess Is Not Determined By OthersAfrican American, authoritative, confident, corporate, informative, motivational, professional, smoothAlonzo P. - Showcase Demo Talent DataAge Range: AdultEthnicity: African AmericanGender: MaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: non-union
Jack S. Jack has an everyday feel about his voice that can be upbeat or more sincere.Media: Lifecaring, conversational, folksy, genuine, homespun, inspirational, motivational, sincere, soft-spoken, thoughtfulSeaworldanti-announcer, friendly, high-energy, informative, motivationalEquitycaring, concerned, cool, friendly, generation-x, guy-next-door, informative, midlife, millennial, motivational, perky, real, upbeatHeartannouncer, authoritative, caring, compelling, concerned, confident, cool, corporate, edgy, executive, genuine, gritty, hard-sell, informative, inspirational, mellow, midlife, motivational, nurse, professional, raspy, serious, sincere, smooth, soft-spoken, storytellerPTCanti-announcer, authoritative, confident, cool, generation-x, genuine, hard-sell, high-energy, informative, millennial, motivational, real, serious, upbeat, youngIdeacompelling, confident, cool, edgy, friendly, Gravitas, hard-sell, high-energy, informative, inspirational, millennial, motivational, nerd, perky, storyteller, upbeatShowcase Demoanti-announcer, attitude, authoritative, bravado, caring, character, classy, compelling, concerned, confessional, confident, conversational, cool, english-showcase, edgy, folksy, friendly, generation-x, genuine, Gravitas, gritty, hard-sell, high-energy, hipster, impression, informative, inspirational, mellow, millennial, motivational, nerd, nurse, ominous, perky, professional, real, serious, sincere, smooth, storyteller, surfer-dude, tough, upbeat, young adult Talent DataAge Range: Adult20-40Ethnicity: CaucasianGender: MaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: non-union