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Talk about range, Soraya delivers! Serious, passionate political advocate. Upbeat, friendly retail. Cool, unpretentious, upscale. Friendly young mom next door.
Smooth, friendly bi-lingual.
Caring mother or grandmother with a unique vocal quality.
Young, sassy and classy! Great retail sense.
From genuine and authentic girl next door to flirty, energetic and upbeat, to the young mom, Caley is a versatile actress and announcer.
From softspoken and sweet to upbeat, Ashley brings just the right brightness for your project!
With an extraordinary voice range, Gary could easily persuade any listener to buy a product. His natural ability to perform makes anything he works on seem too easy.
Jonah has a great young voice that is perfect for announcer and conversational reads!
A friendly Up-beat voice sure to make any project shine!