Voice Talent Search

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    Avonleigh T

    Avonleigh brings big personality to any read!

    • 01 - Summerbreak Cafe
      confident, cool, friendly, kid-next-door, perky, sweet, warm, young
    • 02 - Hospitality.mp3
      caring, conversational, friendly, genuine, kid-next-door, thoughtful, warm, young
    • 03 - Text Your Doctor
      animated, confident, friendly, genuine, informative, kid-next-door, smooth, thoughtful, warm, young
    • 04 - Donate Blood
      caring, concerned, confessional, conversational, genuine, kid-next-door, sincere, thoughtful, warm, young
    • 05 - Education
      caring, conversational, friendly, informative, inspirational, sincere, thoughtful, warm, young
    • 06 - Avonleigh T - Showcase Demo
      caring, compelling, confident, conversational, genuine, kid-next-door, perky, sincere, smooth, sweet, upbeat, warm, young

    Gabriel U

    Gabriel has a warm voice that can be tough and gritty too!

    • Gabriel U. - English Showcase
      accented English, animated, announcer, confessional, confident, conversational, english-showcase, foreign-language, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door, high-energy, informative, inspirational, motivational, narrative, perky, professional, spanish-dialect, thoughtful, tough, upbeat, warm
    • Gabriel U. - Comercial Showcase
      announcer, confident, cool, corporate, friendly, inspirational, promo, retail, spanish-showcase, upbeat
    • Gabriel U. - Narration Showcase
      announcer, cool, foreign-language, friendly, narrative, neutral, spanish-showcase, upbeat
    • Gabriel U. - Spanish Cartoon Showcase
      anti-announcer, cartoon, character, edgy, foreign-language, friendly, gritty, raspy, spanish-showcase
    Foreign Language: 

    Meagan C

    A voice capable of many accents!

    • Meagan C. - Commercial Showcase
      announcer, caring, classy, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, girl-next-door, middle-age, perky, sincere, soft-spoken, thoughtful, upbeat, warm
    • Meagan C. - American English Showcase
      animated, announcer, compelling, confident, conversational, cool, english-showcase, friendly, genuine, girl-next-door, high-energy, inspirational, mother, motivational, sweet, thoughtful
    • Meagan C. - Narration Showcase
      announcer, anti-announcer, caring, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, girl-next-door, mature, promo, thoughtful, warm, young adult
    • Meagan C. - British Narration Showcase
      accented English, announcer, anti-announcer, british, character, confident, conversational, friendly, Gravitas, promo, sincere
    • Meagan C. - Animation Showcase
      accented, accented English, animated, cartoon, character, confident, edgy, high-energy, perky, Straight Forward, upbeat

    Carolyn S.

    Carolyn's voice is very dynamic in the mid and upper registers. She is great with accents and character voices, particularly younger sounding and cartoon characters. If you want young adult or trendy and upbeat, Carolyn will be sure to deliver.


    Barbara H.

    Informed, Friendly and knowledgeable.


    Paula H

    Paula interprets direction wonderfully and delivers warm and caring, to upbeat and retail reads.

    • Paula H Showcase
    • Power Of One
      announcer, compelling, confident, corporate, friendly, inspirational, motivational
    • Knee Pain
      announcer, authoritative, compelling, confident, Gravitas, retail, serious
    • Plumbing
      announcer, confident, friendly, humorous, retail, upbeat
    • Schizophrenia
      announcer, authoritative, caring, compelling, concerned, confident, corporate, informative, long form, Medical, narrative, professional, serious
    • Covered
      announcer, compelling, confident, friendly, middle-age, retail
    • Political
      announcer, confident, informative, newscaster, political
    • Child Health
      announcer, compelling, concerned, confident, informative, inspirational, middle-age, serious, thoughtful, warm
    • Holiday Deals
      animated, announcer, confident, friendly, holiday, midlife, perky, retail, upbeat

    Paul M.

    A smooth natural voice that can bring a personal touch to your big national spots, or a national touch to your smaller personal spots.

    • Showcase Demo
    • Evening Classes
      anti-announcer, father, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door, middle-age, real
    • My Own Boss
      character, cool, genuine, informative, middle-age, midlife, narrative, real, sincere, thoughtful
    • Star Player
      anti-announcer, friendly, middle-age, motivational, perky, retail
    • Robotics
      caring, cool, mellow, serious, smooth, soft-spoken, thoughtful, warm
    • Reach Out
      anti-announcer, classy, friendly, middle-age, narrative, real, serious
    • Political
      antagonistic, confident, conversational, friendly, guy-next-door, middle-age, political, real, soft-spoken

    Jim P.

    Jim delivers a trusting, confident read. On the lighter side, he captures a wonderfully storytellin' folksiness, setting the mood to brighten any grandchild's eyes.

    • JimP Showcase
      announcer, authoritative, compelling, confident, conversational, corporate, friendly, genuine, grandfather, guy-next-door, homespun, informative, real, retail
    • College Tuition
      anti-announcer, compelling, confident, friendly, genuine, mature, storyteller
    • Lake
      announcer, anti-announcer, confident, folksy, friendly, genuine, homespun, mature, real, retail
    • Our Coast
      announcer, authoritative, Booming, bravado, compelling, confident, informative
    • Dad Call
      anti-announcer, compelling, conversational, father, friendly, guy-next-door, humorous, mature, real, upbeat
    • Trust
      announcer, authoritative, compelling, confident, informative, mature, motivational, older, professional, retail

    Marci H.

    You can't help but have fun while listening to Marci. She has that contagious way of making you want to hear more without overdoing it.


    Leanne W

    Leanne confidently covers a lot of styles, from serious corporate reads, to caring and upbeat retail deliveries.

    • Leanne W Showcase
    • IceCream
      announcer, compelling, confident, friendly, retail
    • Yoga
      announcer, confident, friendly, middle-age, professional, real
    • Bread
      announcer, compelling, Matter of Fact, middle-age, professional, real
    • Alpha Beta
      announcer, corporate, informative, long form, Medical, narrative, technical
    • Your Pups Home
      announcer, compelling, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, middle-age, retail
    • Run Farther
      anti-announcer, compelling, confident, conversational, corporate, friendly, genuine, middle-age, real, retail
    • LeanneW Corporate Demo