Voice Talent Search

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Search results

    Jessica N

    Jessica delivers retail effortlessly, while naturally sounding like the young student or mom next door.

    • Xtreme
      announcer, confident, friendly, retail, young adult, Straight Forward
    • Angus Beef
      announcer, confident, friendly, retail, young adult, Straight Forward
    • Who We Are
      announcer, friendly, retail, young adult, Straight Forward
    • Cart Busters
      announcer, friendly, retail, upbeat, young adult, Straight Forward
    • Battle Better
      announcer, anti-announcer, cartoon, character, compelling, kooky, perky, young adult
    • Jessica N Showcase.mp3

    Michael V

    Michael brings a warm fatherly attitude that ranges from whimsical and guy-next-door to serious and thoughtful.

    • Herma Heart Institute
      announcer, caring, compelling, father, genuine, Gravitas, mature, Medical, thoughtful
    • McDonald's
      announcer, friendly, hard-sell, high-energy, promo, upbeat
    • Florida Prepaid 529 Plan
      announcer, conversational, father, folksy, friendly, informative, middle-age, sincere
    • Chasing The Dawn
      anti-announcer, caring, character, confessional, conversational, folksy, friendly, guy-next-door, sincere, thoughtful
    • Hybee
      announcer, friendly, informative, promo, retail
    • Insurance Plan
      announcer, caring, compelling, concerned, conversational, genuine, Gravitas, professional, serious, thoughtful
    • National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week
      announcer, authoritative, compelling, concerned, informative, inspirational, professional, thoughtful
    • Michael V-Showcase Demo
      announcer, english-showcase

    Wyllow S

    Wyllow can confidently deliver a broad range of interpretations. Sweet to serious.

    • Pizza Time
      animated, announcer, friendly, kid-next-door, retail, young
    • Buckle Up
      announcer, anti-announcer, compelling, friendly, genuine, kid-next-door, young
    • Keep Brushing
      announcer, friendly, kid-next-door, real, retail, upbeat, young
    • Fun And Games
      animated, announcer, confident, friendly, kid-next-door, retail, upbeat, young
    • Normal Life
      anti-announcer, compelling, genuine, kid-next-door, sincere, thoughtful, young
    • Wyllow S Showcase

    Paula H

    Paula interprets direction wonderfully and delivers warm and caring, to upbeat and retail reads.

    • Ownership
      announcer, authoritative, compelling, corporate, friendly, genuine, inspirational, middle-age, neutral, thoughtful, warm
    • Sod
      animated, announcer, confident, friendly, middle-age, perky, retail, upbeat
    • Covered
      announcer, compelling, confident, friendly, middle-age, retail
    • Holiday Deals
      animated, announcer, confident, friendly, holiday, midlife, perky, retail, upbeat
    • Child Health
      announcer, compelling, concerned, confident, informative, inspirational, middle-age, serious, thoughtful, warm
    • Paula H Showcase

    Adriana P

    Adriana has a warm, comforting voice that is capable of doing announcer reads too!

    Foreign Language: 

    Magnolia M

    Magnolia rocks any script with the perfect interp. She is a great reader who delivers with professionalism and character beyond her years.

    • School Program
      announcer, anti-announcer, compelling, friendly, girl-next-door, kid-next-door, young
    • Water Park
      announcer, girl-next-door, retail, upbeat, young
    • Music Education
      announcer, anti-announcer, confident, friendly, girl-next-door, kid-next-door, sincere, thoughtful, young
    • Continued Education
      announcer, confident, friendly, girl-next-door, informative, inspirational, kid-next-door, thoughtful, warm, young
    • Ten Surprises
      announcer, confident, friendly, genuine, girl-next-door, kid-next-door, retail, upbeat, young
    • Magnolia M Showcase

    Cam "Buzz" B.

    From the friendly voice kids love to hear, to the over-the-top sports announcer… and everything in between. Cam can do it all… really, he can!!!


    Angela C

    A fresh friendly voice to fit any project!

    • American Signature Furniture
      confident, friendly, perky, retail, upbeat
    • On The Water
      caring, genuine, mellow, romantic
    • Farewell To Smell
      confident, conversational, friendly, mature, soccer mom
    • Wonders of Wildlife
      animated, genuine, mother, nostalgic, storyteller
    • Social Unrest
      anti-announcer, caring, conversational, informative, mother, sweet
    • My Secret
      caring, jazzy, romantic, sexy, sincere, smooth
    • Stay Informed
      caring, compelling, concerned, conversational, informative, mother, thoughtful
    • Showcase Reel
      announcer, anti-announcer, concerned, confessional, confident, friendly, genuine, informative, inspirational, mother, motivational, sexy, sincere, upbeat

    Soraya B.

    Talk about range, Soraya delivers! Serious, passionate political advocate. Upbeat, friendly retail. Cool, unpretentious, upscale. Friendly young mom next door.

    • Political Demo - Soraya B
      African American, announcer, anti-announcer, attitude, compelling, concerned, conversational, friendly, informative, inspirational, political, young adult, Straight Forward
    • Commercial Demo - Soraya B
      African American, animated, announcer, anti-announcer, attitude, caring, confident, conversational, cool, friendly, genuine, inspirational, mother, real, retail, serious, thoughtful, tough, young adult, Straight Forward
    • Political Demo 2 SorayaB.mp3

    Leanne W

    Leanne confidently covers a lot of styles, from serious corporate reads, to caring and upbeat retail deliveries.

    • IceCream
      announcer, compelling, confident, friendly, retail
    • Yoga
      announcer, confident, friendly, middle-age, professional, real
    • Bread
      announcer, compelling, Matter of Fact, middle-age, professional, real
    • Alpha Beta
      announcer, corporate, informative, long form, Medical, narrative, technical
    • Your Pups Home
      announcer, compelling, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, middle-age, retail
    • Run Farther
      anti-announcer, compelling, confident, conversational, corporate, friendly, genuine, middle-age, real, retail
    • LeanneW Corporate Demo
    • Leanne W Showcase