Voice Talent Search

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Search results

    Jack S.

    Jack has an everyday feel about his voice that can be upbeat or more sincere.

    • Life
      caring, conversational, folksy, genuine, homespun, inspirational, motivational, sincere, soft-spoken, thoughtful
    • Seaworld
      anti-announcer, friendly, high-energy, informative, motivational
    • Equity
      caring, concerned, cool, friendly, generation-x, guy-next-door, informative, midlife, millennial, motivational, perky, real, upbeat
    • Heart
      announcer, authoritative, caring, compelling, concerned, confident, cool, corporate, edgy, executive, genuine, gritty, hard-sell, informative, inspirational, mellow, midlife, motivational, nurse, professional, raspy, serious, sincere, smooth, soft-spoken, storyteller
    • PTC
      anti-announcer, authoritative, confident, cool, generation-x, genuine, hard-sell, high-energy, informative, millennial, motivational, real, serious, upbeat, young
    • Idea
      compelling, confident, cool, edgy, friendly, Gravitas, hard-sell, high-energy, informative, inspirational, millennial, motivational, nerd, perky, storyteller, upbeat
    • Showcase Demo
      anti-announcer, attitude, authoritative, bravado, caring, character, classy, compelling, concerned, confessional, confident, conversational, cool, english-showcase, edgy, folksy, friendly, generation-x, genuine, Gravitas, gritty, hard-sell, high-energy, hipster, impression, informative, inspirational, mellow, millennial, motivational, nerd, nurse, ominous, perky, professional, real, serious, sincere, smooth, storyteller, surfer-dude, tough, upbeat, young adult

    Paul M.

    A smooth natural voice that can bring a personal touch to your big national spots, or a national touch to your smaller personal spots.

    • Evening Classes
      anti-announcer, father, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door, middle-age, real
    • My Own Boss
      character, cool, genuine, informative, middle-age, midlife, narrative, real, sincere, thoughtful
    • Star Player
      anti-announcer, friendly, middle-age, motivational, perky, retail
    • Robotics
      caring, cool, mellow, serious, smooth, soft-spoken, thoughtful, warm
    • Reach Out
      anti-announcer, classy, friendly, middle-age, narrative, real, serious
    • Political
      antagonistic, confident, conversational, friendly, guy-next-door, middle-age, political, real, soft-spoken
    • Showcase Demo

    Jacquelyn H.

    From Mom next door to warm and emotionally caring hospital spots Jacquelyn brings her own brand of uniquely textured voice which is sure to make your project stand out from the crowd. Jacquelyn can also deliver an authentic Hawaiian accent for projects airing in the 808.


    Jim P.

    Jim delivers a trusting, confident read. On the lighter side, he captures a wonderfully storytellin' folksiness, setting the mood to brighten any grandchild's eyes.

    • College Tuition
      anti-announcer, compelling, confident, friendly, genuine, mature, storyteller
    • Lake
      announcer, anti-announcer, confident, folksy, friendly, genuine, homespun, mature, real, retail
    • Our Coast
      announcer, authoritative, Booming, bravado, compelling, confident, informative
    • Dad Call
      anti-announcer, compelling, conversational, father, friendly, guy-next-door, humorous, mature, real, upbeat
    • Trust
      announcer, authoritative, compelling, confident, informative, mature, motivational, older, professional, retail
    • JimP Showcase
      announcer, authoritative, compelling, confident, conversational, corporate, friendly, genuine, grandfather, guy-next-door, homespun, informative, real, retail

    Brianna B

    A warm and gentle voice to add a realness to your spots.

    • Build A Bear
      anti-announcer, confessional, conversational, genuine, kid-next-door, real, sincere, soft-spoken, storyteller, sweet, thoughtful, warm, young
    • Discovery Kidz
      compelling, confident, conversational, friendly, kid-next-door, upbeat
    • Journey
      compelling, friendly, genuine, inspirational, sincere, sweet
    • Cartoon Network
      announcer, confident, conversational, friendly, kid-next-door, promo, upbeat, young
    • Oreos
      confident, friendly, kid-next-door, promo, upbeat
    • Brianna B Showcase Demo

    Olivia P.

    Sweet, lovable girl next door that can deliver attitude upon request.

    • Crave
      animated, compelling, cool, friendly, real, retail, teenager
    • Nicotine
      anti-announcer, compelling, confessional, confident, girl-next-door, real, serious, teenager, thoughtful, young
    • Compliance
      announcer, anti-announcer, confident, corporate, girl-next-door, informative, long form, professional, young
    • Positive Steps
      announcer, anti-announcer, compelling, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, girl-next-door, informative, inspirational, real, teenager, young
    • Rise
      announcer, confident, friendly, genuine, girl-next-door, real, retail, teenager, upbeat, younger
    • Intern
      anti-announcer, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, girl-next-door, informative, long form, real, technical, younger
    • OliviaP Showcase
      announcer, anti-announcer, caring, compelling, confident, conversational, corporate, genuine, girl-next-door, inspirational, long form, narrative, real, retail, serious, teenager, upbeat, younger

    Margaret M

    • Whys And Hows
      announcer, compelling, conversational, friendly, girl-next-door, informative, real, thoughtful, young
    • A New Day
      announcer, compelling, confident, conversational, friendly, girl-next-door, thoughtful, young
    • Gametime
      animated, announcer, retail, upbeat, young
    • Dental
      announcer, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, girl-next-door, informative, real, young
    • Discovery
      announcer, girl-next-door, promo, young
    • Healthcare
      announcer, conversational, friendly, girl-next-door, informative, real, thoughtful, young
    • Margaret M Showcase

    Lisa K.

    Lisa is the friendly mom we all know and love. She is gentle at times, but tough when needed.

    • Angus Beef
      announcer, conversational, friendly, retail, soccer mom, upbeat, young adult
    • Just Imagine
      anti-announcer, conversational, cool, friendly, storyteller, thoughtful, warm
    • Bassford Bank
      announcer, confident, friendly, retail, upbeat, warm
    • Jingle Bell Lottery
      announcer, hard-sell, retail
    • UF Health
      caring, compelling, concerned, genuine, inspirational, motivational, thoughtful, warm
    • Showcase Demo

    Carolyn S.

    Carolyn's voice is very dynamic in the mid and upper registers. She is great with accents and character voices, particularly younger sounding and cartoon characters. If you want young adult or trendy and upbeat, Carolyn will be sure to deliver.


    Jessica N

    Jessica delivers retail effortlessly, while naturally sounding like the young student or mom next door.

    • Xtreme
      announcer, confident, friendly, retail, young adult, Straight Forward
    • Angus Beef
      announcer, confident, friendly, retail, young adult, Straight Forward
    • Who We Are
      announcer, friendly, retail, young adult, Straight Forward
    • Cart Busters
      announcer, friendly, retail, upbeat, young adult, Straight Forward
    • Battle Better
      announcer, anti-announcer, cartoon, character, compelling, kooky, perky, young adult
    • Jessica N Showcase.mp3