Voice Talent Search

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Search results

    Gisela G.

    Peppy and perky to sweet and sultry, with the goods to sing your message from the hills... in English or Spanish! Gisela is your girl.

    • Convention
      announcer, classy, corporate, executive, friendly, genuine, informative, long form, mellow, narrative, professional, sexy, sincere, storyteller, warm
    • Ladies
      accented English, classy, compelling, cool, friendly, smooth, warm
    • Spanish Sales
      animated, announcer, confident, foreign, foreign-language, friendly, genuine, retail, upbeat, worldly
    • Spanish Convention
      announcer, caring, classy, confident, cool, executive, foreign, foreign-language, friendly, genuine, informative, long form, mellow, sincere, smooth, soft-spoken, sophisticated, warm, worldly
    • Living In The Dark
      accented English, announcer, caring, compelling, concerned, genuine, informative, mellow, professional, real, serious, soft-spoken, thoughtful, warm
    • Primer Día
      conversational, foreign-language, mother, worldly
    • Political
      authoritative, caring, compelling, concerned, confessional, confident, conversational, foreign-language, informative, political
    • Living Well
      confessional, confident, conversational, friendly, informative, inspirational, motivational, perky, upbeat
    • Hospice
      accented English, cartoon, fuzzy, genuine, middle-age, midlife, mother, motivational, nostalgic, serious, sincere
    • Banking
      conversational, corporate, executive, foreign-language
    • Gisela G Showcase
      foreign-language, spanish-showcase
    Foreign Language: 

    Rosi A.

    From tugging your heartstrings to blowing you away with the latest offer, Rosi's got range!

    • Commercial Reel - Spanish
      announcer, anti-announcer, authoritative, classy, confident, foreign-language, friendly, high-energy, mother, professional, promo, real, sincere, spanish-showcase, sweet, thoughtful, upbeat
    • Corporate Narration - Spanish
      authoritative, confident, corporate, foreign-language, informative, professional, sincere, spanish-showcase
    • Commercial Reel - English
      accented English, announcer, anti-announcer, authoritative, compelling, confident, english-showcase, genuine, professional, promo, real, sincere, upbeat
    • Corporate Narration - English
      authoritative, caring, compelling, confident, english-showcase, friendly, genuine, informative, narrative, professional, Straight Forward
    • Accented English
      accented English, anti-announcer, authoritative, confident, conversational, english-showcase, friendly, genuine, mellow, mother, narrative, real, sincere, storyteller, upbeat, worldly
    • eLearning - Spanish
      authoritative, confident, corporate, foreign-language, informative, mellow, narrative, professional, Matter of Fact, Straight Forward
    • eLearning - English
      authoritative, confident, corporate, english-showcase, informative, mellow, narrative, professional, Matter of Fact, Straight Forward
    • Audio Tour - Spanish
      classy, compelling, foreign-language, informative, long form, narrative, spanish-showcase
    • Audio Tour - English
      accented English, classy, compelling, informative, long form, narrative, serious
    • Political Reel - Spanish
      foreign-language, political, spanish-showcase
    • Political Reel - English & Spanish
      english-showcase, political, spanish-showcase
    • Puerto Rican Dialect Showcase
    • Showcase Demo - Spanish
    Foreign Language: 

    Lily B.

    An upbeat, warm and friendly mom.

    • Elephants
      authoritative, caring, compelling, concerned, genuine, informative, middle-age, serious, sincere
    • Air Force
      anti-announcer, character, compelling, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, homespun, middle-age, midlife, mother, real, sincere, sweet, warm
    • HVAC
      announcer, authoritative, confident, corporate, informative, Straight Forward
    • Joy of Reading
      classy, compelling, friendly, imaging, impression, inspirational, storyteller, warm
    • JCPenny
      compelling, confident, conversational, friendly, informative, middle-age, midlife, mother, perky, real, upbeat, warm
    • Life Hope Music
      announcer, caring, compelling, confident, friendly, impression, inspirational, promo, warm
    • Money
      announcer, compelling, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, perky, sincere, thoughtful, upbeat
    • Heart Attack
      concerned, confessional, middle-age, midlife, real, serious
    • Diamonds
      accented English, attitude, classy, english-showcase
    • Lily B Showcase Demo

    Magdalena S

    A wonderful bilingual voice that has range! from bold to soft or spokesperson to the girl next door!

    • Fruit Water
      announcer, confident, friendly, mother, soccer mom, sweet, warm
    • Target
      announcer, concerned, confessional, genuine, promo, thoughtful
    • Aveeno
      caring, classy, compelling, smooth, warm
    • Choices
      neutral, professional, real, serious, tough
    • Suntec
      announcer, caring, confident, french, friendly, sweet, upbeat
    • Tequila
      compelling, cool, promo, sexy, smooth
    • MagdalenaS Political Demo
      accented, announcer, compelling, confident, friendly, political
    • Magdalena S English Showcase
    • Magdalena S - Spanish Talent Showcase
      accented, accented English, caring, conversational, foreign, foreign-language, friendly, genuine, real, sincere, spanish-showcase, storyteller, sweet, warm
    Foreign Language: 

    Deborah M.

    Deborah offers a variety of voices in a wide age range.  Her appealing voice lends itself to important roles in the healthcare and financial genres and her comedic timing and improvisational ability contribute a fun twist to the Mom and Wife roles that she voices.  Deborah's always ready for anything.


    Cathy M.

    The girl we'd all love to know. Cathy's voice demands your attention while still being very relatable and keeping you smiling

    • Ultra Dry
      anti-announcer, caring, confessional, conversational, friendly, fuzzy, genuine, informative, millennial, mother, nostalgic
    • Take Your Health With You
      announcer, informative, inspirational
    • Engagement
      antagonistic, character, confessional, hipster, humorous, midlife, perky, retail, romantic
    • Joan
      announcer, classy, conversational, cool, friendly, genuine, informative, motivational, perky, promo, sincere, smooth, soft-spoken, sophisticated, upbeat, warm
    • Turn off The Tap
      concerned, conversational, cool, friendly, genuine, informative, motivational, narrative, neutral, smooth, sophisticated, upbeat, warm
    • A Dream
      announcer, caring, concerned, genuine, informative, inspirational, motivational, soft-spoken, storyteller, thoughtful, warm
    • Totally Boring
      confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, midlife, upbeat
    • Come Home
      confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, homespun, informative, warm
    • Assorted Charcters
      accented English, attitude, cartoon, character, oddball
    • Traveling
      confident, conversational, elitist, friendly, fuzzy, genuine, girl-next-door, mellow, millennial, motivational, narrative, perky, real, sincere, soft-spoken, thoughtful, upbeat, warm, worldly, young adult
    • Tradition
      animated, deadpan, extreme, friendly, genuine, grouchy, humorous, kooky, soccer mom, soft-spoken, sweet
    • Together
      anti-announcer, cartoon, compelling, concerned, confident, genuine, inspirational, mellow, sincere, soft-spoken, warm
    • Political Demo
      antagonistic, authoritative, caring, compelling, concerned, confessional, confident, edgy, english-showcase, genuine, gravelly, informative, motivational, nerd, ominous, political, raspy, serious, sincere, soft-spoken
    • Showcase Demo

    Dennis B.

    A smooth voice that is both confident and comforting at the same time

    • Investigation
      announcer, authoritative, biting, bravado, Deep Voice, gravelly, Gravitas, gritty, promo, tough
    • Retirement
      announcer, caring, classy, concerned, friendly, genuine, gravelly, homespun, sincere, thoughtful, warm
    • New American West
      country, folksy, friendly, fuzzy, nostalgic, real, sincere, thoughtful, warm
    • TV Drama
      attitude, authoritative, Booming, bravado, Deep Voice, gravelly, Gravitas, gritty, grouchy, serious
    • Penny
      conversational, friendly, genuine, homespun, storyteller, thoughtful
    • Southwest Virginia
      caring, country, father, folksy, friendly, older, warm
    • Movie
      attitude, authoritative, bravado, Deep Voice, gravelly, movie-trailer, promo, tough
    • Politics
      antagonistic, authoritative, compelling, motivational, political
    • Political-Positive
      announcer, political, sincere, upbeat
    • Political-Negative
      announcer, antagonistic, biting, political
    • Dennis B Showcase Demo

    Dan S.

    Dan is tough and gritty, yet classy and smooth. 

    • More Horsepower
      announcer, Deep Voice, edgy, gritty, promo, tough, upbeat
    • Dangerous Criminals
      announcer, authoritative, biting, edgy, newscaster, ominous, professional, promo, serious, upbeat
    • Civil War
      announcer, informative, midlife, Midwest, narrative, neutral, storyteller
    • Honey Brown Lager
      attitude, authoritative, biting, bravado, cartoon, character, elitist, gritty, grouchy, guy-next-door, humorous, impression, kooky, middle-age, mobster, new-jersey, new-york, pompous, serious, stuffed-shirt, tough
    • Tires
      anti-announcer, attitude, biting, confident, Deep Voice, edgy, gravelly, gritty, tough
    • Call Waiting
      accented English, animated, announcer, anti-announcer, bravado, british, character, classy, inspirational, professional, social-snob, sophisticated, worldly
    • News
      Deep Voice, imaging, mellow, neutral, newscaster, promo
    • Record the News
      announcer, authoritative, compelling, Deep Voice, gravelly, Gravitas, gritty, serious, tough
    • Somewhere Down There
      announcer, attitude, authoritative, biting, Booming, Deep Voice, gravelly, gritty, tough
    • Century
      announcer, classy, mellow, middle-age, midlife, Midwest, narrative, promo, smooth, sophisticated
    • Overcoming the Opposition
      announcer, informative, motivational, promo
    • Beer
      anti-announcer, attitude, bravado, cocky, cool, Deep Voice, edgy, gravelly, gritty
    • Dan S - Talent Showcase

    Amanda M.

    From upbeat to playful to caring - Amanda can deliver!


    Bass Pro

    Ant-Announcer, Friendly, Fuzzy, Upbeat, Warm

    Ant-Announcer, Friendly, Fuzzy, Upbeat, Warm


    • Text the Doctor
      conversational, friendly, genuine, girl-next-door, millennial, real, sincere
    • CLT
      anti-announcer, mellow, millennial, promo, smooth, warm
    • Complete Education
      anti-announcer, compelling, cool, genuine, inspirational, professional, real
    • Your Childs Heart
      announcer, caring, concerned, mother, serious, thoughtful, young adult
    • Waterpark Capital
      animated, announcer, confident, friendly, girl-next-door, high-energy, motivational, perky, retail, upbeat, young adult
    • Peaceful Moments
      anti-announcer, cool, friendly, fuzzy, genuine, girl-next-door, promo, upbeat, warm
    • Slow Melting Chocolate
      announcer, bravado, classy, compelling, confessional, mellow, romantic, sexy, soft-spoken, young adult
    • Best Move
      anti-announcer, conversational, cool, girl-next-door, humorous, promo
    • Important To Me
      anti-announcer, confident, conversational, friendly, girl-next-door, real, young adult
    • East Village Girl
      confident, conversational, girl-next-door, millennial, perky, real, valley-girl
    • A World Beyond Belief
      announcer, anti-announcer, compelling, confident, inspirational, ominous, soft-spoken, sophisticated, storyteller, thoughtful, young adult
    • Character Reel
      animated, character, english-showcase
    • Showcase Demo

    Laurie N.


    Class, tone and a wide range of reads. A real stand-out!

    • Yonderbound
      authoritative, classy, compelling, confident, conversational, Gravitas, inspirational
    • Disney Aulani Resort and Spa
      announcer, classy, compelling, confident, inspirational, motivational, thoughtful, warm
    • Seaworld
      announcer, compelling, confident, friendly, genuine, inspirational
    • QVC President's Day
      announcer, classy, friendly, hard-sell, perky, promo, retail, upbeat
    • Hasbro Disney Princess Game
      classy, compelling, friendly, Gravitas, holiday, inspirational, motivational, romantic
    • Nick Jr. Boost
      confident, friendly, informative, motivational, professional, promo, sincere, upbeat
    • Crest Spinbrush
      announcer, authoritative, confident, friendly, informative, promo, retail
    • American Psychiatric Association
      caring, compelling, genuine, Gravitas, inspirational, motivational, real, sincere, thoughtful
    • Pilot Pen FriXion
      announcer, authoritative, confident, conversational, informative, promo, upbeat
    • Kellogg’s Family Rewards
      conversational, genuine, real, sincere
    • Ms Fields
      caring, friendly, genuine, sweet
    • Wildlife Refuge
      caring, concerned, friendly, genuine, Gravitas, informative, mellow, midlife, motivational, sincere, smooth, soft-spoken, sweet, thoughtful
    • Bryan Medical
      announcer, caring, confident, conversational, mature, nurse, professional, real, serious
    • Going Somewhere
      caring, classy, conversational, cool, mellow, narrative, nostalgic, smooth, storyteller, warm
    • Very Sexy Makeup
      promo, romantic, sexy, smooth, sophisticated, warm
    • Go Slow
      cool, mellow, romantic, sexy, smooth, thoughtful, warm
    • Major Appliances
      announcer, friendly, hard-sell, high-energy, promo, retail, upbeat
    • Sarah McLaughlin Album
      caring, friendly, genuine, mother, promo, warm
    • Two Fish Sandwiches!
      announcer, friendly, girl-next-door, gravelly, high-energy, middle-age, midlife, Midwest, promo
    • Orthodontists
      confessional, conversational, genuine, mother, real, sincere, soccer mom
    • St. Anthonys
      announcer, friendly, sincere
    • Juicy Juice Teasers
      announcer, cool, upbeat
    • Pet Parents - French
      accented, accented English, conversational, cool, foreign, french, worldly
    • Jersey Accent
      accented, accented English, biting, character, cocky, confessional, conversational, cool, edgy, impression, new-jersey, new-york, real, street-interview, young adult
    • Laurie N Political Demo
      antagonistic, attitude, authoritative, biting, confident, elitist, executive, Gravitas, middle-age, neutral, political, tough
    • Laurie N Talent Showcase