Rosi A.

From tugging your heartstrings to blowing you away with the latest offer, Rosi's got range!

  • Commercial Reel - Spanish
    announcer, anti-announcer, authoritative, classy, confident, foreign-language, friendly, high-energy, mother, professional, promo, real, sincere, spanish-showcase, sweet, thoughtful, upbeat
  • Corporate Narration - Spanish
    authoritative, confident, corporate, foreign-language, informative, professional, sincere, spanish-showcase
  • Commercial Reel - English
    accented English, announcer, anti-announcer, authoritative, compelling, confident, english-showcase, genuine, professional, promo, real, sincere, upbeat
  • Corporate Narration - English
    authoritative, caring, compelling, confident, english-showcase, friendly, genuine, informative, narrative, professional, Straight Forward
  • Accented English
    accented English, anti-announcer, authoritative, confident, conversational, english-showcase, friendly, genuine, mellow, mother, narrative, real, sincere, storyteller, upbeat, worldly
  • eLearning - Spanish
    authoritative, confident, corporate, foreign-language, informative, mellow, narrative, professional, Matter of Fact, Straight Forward
  • eLearning - English
    authoritative, confident, corporate, english-showcase, informative, mellow, narrative, professional, Matter of Fact, Straight Forward
  • Audio Tour - Spanish
    classy, compelling, foreign-language, informative, long form, narrative, spanish-showcase
  • Audio Tour - English
    accented English, classy, compelling, informative, long form, narrative, serious
  • Political Reel - Spanish
    foreign-language, political, spanish-showcase
  • Political Reel - English & Spanish
    english-showcase, political, spanish-showcase
  • Puerto Rican Dialect Showcase
  • Showcase Demo - Spanish
Foreign Language: 