Paul K.


A great actor who can portray any character you need and the consummate spokesperson with years of experience.

  • Here's To...
    anti-announcer, caring, compelling, conversational, folksy, friendly, genuine, homespun, imaging, narrative, nostalgic, real, storyteller
  • Queso
    anti-announcer, attitude, cocky, confident, extreme, fortuneteller, gritty, impression, informative, movie-trailer, oddball
  • Mrs. Fields
    anti-announcer, caring, compelling, folksy, friendly, fuzzy, grandfather, homespun, mature, mellow, nostalgic, soft-spoken
  • Toyota
    announcer, attitude, authoritative, Booming, bravado, confident, hard-sell, professional, retail, sportscaster
  • King Of Rum
    authoritative, cool, edgy, gravelly, gritty, mature, Sam Elliott style, sexy
  • ZzQuil
    anti-announcer, caring, confessional, conversational, friendly, homespun, narrative, retail, soft-spoken
  • Buster
    conversational, friendly, fuzzy, genuine, guy-next-door, homespun, humorous, mellow, middle-age, real
  • Lacks Furniture
    character, confident, conversational, folksy, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door, homespun, humorous, promo, retail, storyteller
  • Long Days
    anti-announcer, folksy, homespun
  • Apples
    conversational, real, street-interview, upbeat, worldly
  • Toyota Great Deals
    anti-announcer, conversational, friendly, homespun, real
  • Repair
    anti-announcer, attitude, biting, cool, deadpan, gritty
  • Newsreel
    animated, announcer, character, newscaster, nostalgic, oddball, professional, promo
  • Daybreak
  • Cartoon Truck
    cartoon, character, oddball
  • Immortals
    announcer, bravado, compelling, confident, Deep Voice, Gravitas, mature, middle-age, movie-trailer
  • Yard Boy
    nerd, wimp
  • Zostavax- Medical
    announcer, caring, informative, Medical, professional, technical
  • Beans
    character, foreign, humorous, oddball
  • Baked
    announcer, friendly, informative, retail
  • Laundry
    attitude, character, cocky, new-jersey, new-york
  • Friday the 13th
    attitude, biting, movie-trailer, ominous
  • Repair Bill
    announcer, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door
  • Political Demo
  • Showcase Demo