Voice Talent Search

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Search results

    Aubrey S.

    Aubrey has an amazing range that stems from her career in theatre. Her sweet and Innocent voice will capture the hearts of all. She also sings!

    • Soak City
      announcer, confident, friendly, retail, teenager, upbeat, young adult
    • Childrens Hospital
      announcer, caring, compelling, concerned, confident, genuine, teenager, thoughtful, warm, young adult
    • Metro
      announcer, confident, friendly, retail, teenager, upbeat, young adult
    • Forever 21
      announcer, confident, corporate, informative, long form, Straight Forward, teenager, young adult
    • Flavored Tobacco
      announcer, authoritative, compelling, informative, political, serious, Straight Forward, teenager, young adult
    • Icee
      announcer, confident, friendly, perky, retail, teenager, upbeat, young adult
    • 500
      anti-announcer, compelling, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, real, retail, teenager, upbeat, young adult
    • ISI
      announcer, authoritative, confident, informative, long form, Medical, narrative, technical, young adult
    • AubreyS Showcase

    Vincent A

    If you're looking for a kid with spunk and a raspy voice! You've come to the right place! From funny to tough, he's got it all!

    • Knicks
      announcer, promo, teenager, young adult
    • Thank You
      announcer, caring, compelling, concerned, friendly, fuzzy, real, teenager, thoughtful, warm, young adult
    • Summer Program
      compelling, conversational, genuine, real, sincere, teenager, thoughtful, warm, young adult
    • Talk To Your Teen
      anti-announcer, confident, conversational, real, teenager, young adult
    • Join With Musicians
      announcer, conversational, friendly, real, retail, teenager, young adult
    • Vincent A Showcase
      announcer, anti-announcer, compelling, genuine, inspirational, real, retail, teenager

    Carter S

    Carter has the ability to portray the helpful teen next door, or the professional young adult.


    Ally W.

    If you're looking for a young, confident and energetic girl! You've found her! This voice can take on the world!

    • Fabulous Furniture Showrooms
      announcer, confident, high-energy, perky, retail, upbeat
    • Mom
      conversational, genuine, inspirational, motivational, real, sincere, thoughtful, young adult
    • Reading
      announcer, inspirational, storyteller, upbeat, young
    • Ahh College
      confident, cool, friendly, genuine, real, sincere, young adult
    • Women
      announcer, authoritative, compelling, confident, Gravitas, inspirational, motivational, serious
    • Education
      announcer, compelling, friendly, genuine, sincere, teenager, young
    • Perfect Day
      confident, conversational, cool, girl-next-door, kid-next-door, real, young
    • Dental Care
      announcer, confident, friendly, genuine, teenager, young adult
    • Ally W - Showcase Demo

    Malique H.

    Cool young voice to bring energy to your spots!

    • Beyblade
      announcer, attitude, cool, high-energy, promo
    • Truth
      African American, compelling, impression, inspirational, motivational, young adult
    • Heroes
      anti-announcer, caring, conversational, genuine, sincere, thoughtful, warm
    • Airport
      announcer, confident, friendly, informative, millennial, promo, upbeat
    • Metro
      announcer, conversational, guy-next-door, informative, promo, upbeat
    • Malique H Showcase Demo

    Stephen C

    Stephen has the "Kid Next Door" voice that is authentic with tons of character.

    • Pennies From Heaven
      caring, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, kid-next-door, real, thoughtful, young, younger
    • Good Dental Care
      attitude, confident, cool, high-energy, kid-next-door, upbeat
    • Healthy Enviroment
      caring, compelling, concerned, confessional, conversational, genuine, inspirational, kid-next-door, motivational, real, thoughtful
    • Virtual Village
      caring, compelling, confessional, Gravitas, inspirational, real, thoughtful
    • Joy Of Reading
      Booming, confident, edgy, high-energy
    • World Wildlife Fund
      announcer, caring, compelling, concerned, friendly, inspirational, real
    • Stephen C- Showcase Demo
      announcer, attitude, caring, compelling, concerned, confident, cool, friendly, genuine, kid-next-door, real, sincere, young adult