Lucy D Lucy's the girl next door with the kind of boundless energy that brightens any project.Media: Showcase Demoenglish-showcaseBusch Gardensannouncer, confident, high-energy, perky, promo, upbeat, young adultDoor Countyanti-announcer, cool, friendly, genuine, girl-next-door, mellow, promo, warmHome Equityanti-announcer, confident, girl-next-door, perky, real, thoughtfulEvery Dayanti-announcer, compelling, genuine, girl-next-door, inspirational, mellow, thoughtful, warmFinancial Aidconfident, genuine, girl-next-door, real, young adultSASconfident, corporate, inspirational, perky Talent DataAge Range: Adult20-40Ethnicity: CaucasianGender: FemaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: non-union
Elizabeth B. Super fun and energetic voice with loads of range!Media: Showcase Demoenglish-showcaseProm Fashion animated, generation-x, high-energy, millennial, perky, young adultShopriteannouncer, mellow, sexy, smoothHallmarkcartoon, character, crazy, edgy, oddballAlgebra Gameanimated, high-energy, informative, long form, perky, upbeat, young adultVampire Traileranimated, cartoon, character, fortuneteller, ominousWildest Fearsannouncer, edgy, Gravitas, ominous Talent DataAge Range: Adult20-40Ethnicity: CaucasianGender: FemaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: Union
Ken L. A friendly neighbor who is easy to talk to.Media: Ken L Showcase Demo7Elevenannouncer, attitude, confident, conversational, cool, guy-next-door, promoTravelcompelling, inspirational, real, young adultMelting Potclassy, romantic, smoothHolidaysannouncer, confident, conversational, friendly, guy-next-door, real, young adultHeartannouncer, caring, confident, sincereHeavenattitude, authoritative, biting, character, confident, edgy, friendly, fuzzy, sweet, tough, warm Talent DataAge Range: Adult20-40Ethnicity: CaucasianGender: MaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: non-union
Mickey O. Friendly and genuine, has that real person quality that we can all relate to, though can do a complete 180 and turn edgy when asked to do so.Media: Showcase Demoenglish-showcaseLoveconversational, friendly, genuine, hipster, millennial, perky, upbeat, young adultAnti Smokingcompelling, confessional, edgy, midlife, millennial, real, smooth, worldlySexual Assaultcaring, compelling, edgy, genuine, real, serious, singers, thoughtfulFree and Sensitivecaring, conversational, mother, sincere, soft-spoken, sweet, warmBrideconfident, elitist, high-energy, inspirational, millennial, perky, upbeat, youngerGranolacompelling, conversational, friendly, perky, upbeat, young adultClean Dishesantagonistic, anti-announcer, confident, friendly, genuine, informative, perky, soccer mom, upbeatRomanticconversational, humorous, impression, informative, millennial, real, sexy, smooth, sophisticated, upbeat, warm Talent DataAge Range: Adult20-40Ethnicity: CaucasianGender: FemaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: non-union
Joshua N. An actor at heart, Joshua creates unforgettable characters and speaks with youthful authority.Media: Joshua N- Showcase Demoenglish-showcasePeople Behind the Bankanti-announcer, friendly, professional, warmTV & Internet Serviceaccented, accented English, british, character, classy, conversational, worldlyGoing to Collegeconversational, generation-x, hipster, kid-next-door, real, young adultImagine Orthodonticsaccented English, animated, antagonistic, cartoon, character, grouchy, oddball, realKnow How to Go Kentuckyaccented English, character, conversational, impression, oddballLas Vegas - Great Escapesanti-announcer, conversational, friendly, nostalgic, real, young adultFan Fest Jacksonvilleattitude, conversational, edgy, gritty, high-energy, tough, young adultLotteryaccented English, animated, cartoon, character, humorous, oddballWeathercocky, compelling, extreme, friendly, humorous, newscaster, realGeorge Bushcharacter, conversational, impression, political Talent DataAge Range: Adult20-40Ethnicity: CaucasianGender: MaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: Union
Hannah Z. Youthful voice and a great natural delivery. Hannah's "that girl."Hannah Z. VO videos Showcase Demoenglish-showcaseECPIanti-announcer, conversational, friendly, genuine, promo, raspy, upbeatCollegeanti-announcer, conversational, genuine, girl-next-door, millennial, realPlushanti-announcer, classy, fuzzy, mellow, promo, real, warmQVCannouncer, confident, friendly, high-energy, millennial, perky, promo, retail, upbeatChemistrycompelling, Gravitas, raspy, sincere, storytellerButton Down Shirtconfident, cool, promo, raspy, realArkansas Hospicecaring, genuine, mellow, promo, sincere, warmChia Barsanti-announcer, girl-next-door, perky, promoAquaticaannouncer, confident, hard-sell, high-energy, millennial, promo, upbeatMain Thinganti-announcer, cool, genuine, mellow, professional, promoLocal Tableanti-announcer, confident, friendly, narrative, upbeat, warmMomentsannouncer, classy, cool, corporate, holiday, imaging, inspirational, promo, retail, sexy, smooth, soft-spoken, sophisticatedSunny Fitnessannouncer, confident, high-energy, promo, upbeatPlace in the Sunanti-announcer, classy, compelling, confident, cool, promo, raspy, sexy, sophisticatedDrive Smartannouncer, caring, classy, compelling, confident, corporate, folksy, friendly, genuine, informative, nostalgic, promo, sincere, smooth, thoughtfulEye Creamannouncer, cocky, confident, conversational, cool, hipster, imaging, professional, promo, retail, smooth, young, young adultLocarno Politicalauthoritative, bravado, cocky, compelling, concerned, conversational, genuine, impression, informative, motivational, narrative, political, serious, sincere, smooth, young adultSpaclassy, compelling, fortuneteller, imaging, impression, promo, raspy, real, retail, sexy, smooth, soft-spoken, sophisticatedMedicalauthoritative, long form, neutral, professional, serious, Matter of Fact, Medical, Straight ForwardPolitical Reelpolitical Talent DataAge Range: Adult20-40Ethnicity: CaucasianGender: FemaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: non-union
Jack S. Jack has an everyday feel about his voice that can be upbeat or more sincere.Media: Jack S - Showcase Demoanti-announcer, attitude, authoritative, bravado, caring, character, classy, compelling, concerned, confessional, confident, conversational, cool, edgy, english-showcase, folksy, friendly, generation-x, genuine, Gravitas, gritty, hard-sell, high-energy, hipster, impression, informative, inspirational, mellow, millennial, motivational, nerd, nurse, ominous, perky, professional, real, serious, sincere, smooth, storyteller, surfer-dude, tough, upbeat, young adultLifecaring, conversational, folksy, genuine, homespun, inspirational, motivational, sincere, soft-spoken, thoughtfulSeaworldanti-announcer, friendly, high-energy, informative, motivationalEquitycaring, concerned, cool, friendly, generation-x, guy-next-door, informative, midlife, millennial, motivational, perky, real, upbeatHeartannouncer, authoritative, caring, compelling, concerned, confident, cool, corporate, edgy, executive, genuine, gritty, hard-sell, informative, inspirational, mellow, midlife, motivational, nurse, professional, raspy, serious, sincere, smooth, soft-spoken, storytellerPTCanti-announcer, authoritative, confident, cool, generation-x, genuine, hard-sell, high-energy, informative, millennial, motivational, real, serious, upbeat, youngIdeacompelling, confident, cool, edgy, friendly, Gravitas, hard-sell, high-energy, informative, inspirational, millennial, motivational, nerd, perky, storyteller, upbeat Talent DataAge Range: Adult20-40Ethnicity: CaucasianGender: MaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: non-union
Jose S Bi-lingual, young adult, diverse sound.Media: Jose S - Spanish - Commercial Demoannouncer, spanish-showcaseJose S - English - Commercial Demoaccented English, announcer, spanish-showcase Talent DataAge Range: Adult20-40Ethnicity: HispanicGender: MaleLanguages Spoken: SpanishUnion Eligibility: non-unionForeign Language: Spanish
Drew P. Friendly, trustworthy and genuine voice for all your high end Union Project needsMedia: Drew P - Showcase Demoenglish-showcaseDegree Deoderantattitude, confident, cool, edgy, high-energyIpad Proanti-announcer, conversational, corporate, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door, professional, storyteller, young adultNyquillanti-announcer, conversational, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door, neutral, real, sincereAIG Auto Insuranceanti-announcer, caring, conversational, guy-next-doorAvis Rental Carannouncer, confident, Travel Bookingaccented English, animated, announcer, bravado, cartoon, character, cocky, confident, elitist, mature, pompous, stuffed-shirt, worldly Talent DataAge Range: Adult20-40Ethnicity: CaucasianGender: MaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: Union
Edeliz P Edeliz P has a fun, versatile and friendly bilingual voice that has range! From bold to a soft spokesperson to the young mother or the girl next door!Media: Edeliz P English Commercial Compilationannouncer, caring, classy, confident, cool, english-showcase, friendly, fuzzy, mother, professional, sincere, soccer mom, sweetEdeliz P Spanish Commercial Compilationclassy, confident, conversational, foreign-language, friendly, fuzzy, mellow, mother, soccer mom, soft-spoken, spanish-showcase Talent DataAge Range: Adult20-40Ethnicity: HispanicGender: FemaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishSpanishUnion Eligibility: non-unionForeign Language: Spanish