Mickey O.

Friendly and genuine, has that real person quality that we can all relate to, though can do a complete 180 and turn edgy when asked to do so.

  • Love
    conversational, friendly, genuine, hipster, millennial, perky, upbeat, young adult
  • Anti Smoking
    compelling, confessional, edgy, midlife, millennial, real, smooth, worldly
  • Sexual Assault
    caring, compelling, edgy, genuine, real, serious, singers, thoughtful
  • Free and Sensitive
    caring, conversational, mother, sincere, soft-spoken, sweet, warm
  • Bride
    confident, elitist, high-energy, inspirational, millennial, perky, upbeat, younger
  • Granola
    compelling, conversational, friendly, perky, upbeat, young adult
  • Clean Dishes
    antagonistic, anti-announcer, confident, friendly, genuine, informative, perky, soccer mom, upbeat
  • Romantic
    conversational, humorous, impression, informative, millennial, real, sexy, smooth, sophisticated, upbeat, warm
  • Showcase Demo