Voice Talent Search

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Search results

    Sarah Se

    Sarah has a smooth and sexy voice. She has a great upbeat energy and has a tender compassionate side.

    • Hair Styling
      accented, accented English, announcer, british, compelling, cool, english-showcase, impression, raspy, sexy, smooth
    • Furniture
      accented English, announcer, british, compelling, confident, english-showcase, edgy, promo, raspy, upbeat
    • Elephant Ivory
      accented, accented English, anti-announcer, british, caring, concerned, confessional, conversational, genuine, real, serious, sincere, soft-spoken, storyteller
    • Product Development
      accented English, authoritative, british, classy, confident, corporate, english-showcase, informative, long form, neutral
    • Sapphire Isle
      accented, accented English, announcer, british, classy, compelling, confident, cool, english-showcase, edgy, imaging, impression, sexy, sophisticated
    • Community Health Plan
      accented, accented English, caring, classy, compelling, concerned, confident, conversational, english-showcase, friendly, genuine, impression, informative, inspirational, real, sincere, sweet, thoughtful, warm
    • Global Business
      accented, accented English, british, compelling, confident, english-showcase, friendly, genuine, informative, raspy, sweet
    • Showcase Demo
    Foreign Language: 

    David H

    David offers rich gravitas retail reads to gentle, storytelling deliveries.

    • Plaza Air
      anti-announcer, compelling, confident, corporate, informative, inspirational, soft-spoken, sophisticated, storyteller, thoughtful
    • Tune-Up
      announcer, authoritative, Booming, confident, retail
    • Puppets
      anti-announcer, british, conversational, genuine, humorous
    • Symphony Of Light
      announcer, authoritative, Booming, compelling, confident, promo
    • Dear Friend
      anti-announcer, compelling, confident, friendly, fuzzy, genuine, inspirational
    • Childhood
      announcer, compelling, concerned, fuzzy, genuine, storyteller, thoughtful
    • David H Showcase
    Foreign Language: 

    Samia A.

    With a strong background in theater, Samia is able to play a wide range of different voices including Nigerian/West African, Jamaican and her warm British accent always adds a brilliant elegant touch.

    • Allure
      accented, accented English, African American, confident, ominous, sexy, storyteller, worldly
    • News
      accented, accented English, African American, gritty, informative, professional, real, worldly
    • The Kiss
      accented, accented English, African American, compelling, genuine, storyteller
    • New Age Health Spa
      accented, accented English, African American, confident, soft-spoken
    • Smooth Jazz
      accented, accented English, African American, character, jamaican, warm
    • FTD
      accented, accented English, African American, cool, friendly, jazzy, worldly
    • Over 100 Years
      accented, African, African American, announcer, authoritative, Booming, compelling, confident, edgy, friendly, genuine, worldly
    • Quest
      accented, accented English, African American, announcer, compelling, cool, movie-trailer, serious, smooth
    • Questions
      accented, accented English, African American, british, serious, social-snob, sophisticated, stuffed-shirt, worldly
    • A House
      accented, accented English, African American, elitist, friendly, narrative, worldly
    • The Faith Effect
      accented, African, African American, caring, informative, narrative, neutral, serious, social-snob, storyteller, worldly
    • All Is Lost
      accented, accented English, African American, british, compelling, foreign, informative, inspirational, ominous, storyteller, worldly
    • The Internet
      accented, accented English, African American, british, compelling, edgy, foreign, informative, ominous, worldly
    • Showcase Demo
    Foreign Language: 
    South African

    Mike C.

    A trustworthy British voice with dynamic range!!

    • New Language
      accented English, announcer, british, conversational, friendly, inspirational, motivational
    • Watercraft
      accented English, announcer, authoritative, british, high-energy, smooth, upbeat
    • Engineering Innovation
      accented English, announcer, british, corporate, professional, worldly
    • Tyrannosaurus Narration
      accented English, british, informative, narrative, storyteller
    • Medical Narration
      announcer, british, corporate, informative, narrative, technical
    • E-Learning
      accented English, announcer, british, corporate, informative, technical
    • Get A Map
      accented English, announcer, british, friendly, genuine
    • SUV
      accented English, announcer, british, edgy, gritty, high-energy
    • Camera
      accented English, announcer, british, mellow, sincere, smooth, sophisticated
    • King Tut Narration
      accented English, announcer, british, informative, storyteller
    • Mike C. - Showcase

    Ally M.

    Ally has a universal sound that can be a warm announcer or authoritative!

    • AllyM-Commercial-Demo.mp3
      accented English, announcer, authoritative, british, cool, friendly, perky, promo, raspy, real, retail, sincere, sophisticated, Matter of Fact
    • AllyM-Corporate-Demol.mp3
      accented English, announcer, british, corporate, folksy, friendly, informative, sophisticated, technical, Straight Forward

    Melissa A

    Melissa has a smooth voice that is also soft spoken and warm.

    • Melissa A - Demo Reel.mp3
      announcer, british, caring, holiday, homespun, kooky, narrative, sexy, smooth, soft-spoken, sophisticated, storyteller, warm

    Heather M.

    Bright, clean, and friendly voice.


    Nikki T.

    If you're looking for a crisp, sweet, smooth mid-ranged voice in either English, Australian or British, you've found it! This versatile talent can do it all without breaking a sweat.

    • Australian Commercial Reel
      accented English, announcer, anti-announcer, australian, character, conversational, friendly, upbeat, worldly, young, young adult
    • English Commercial Reel
      accented, accented English, animated, announcer, anti-announcer, attitude, authoritative, british, compelling, confident, conversational, cool, deadpan, english-showcase, edgy, friendly, girl-next-door, hipster, holiday, humorous, informative, mellow, midlife, millennial, narrative, neutral, nostalgic, oddball, perky, promo, raspy, real, retail, serious, sexy, sincere, sophisticated, sweet, thoughtful, upbeat, warm, young, younger
    • Animation Reel
      accented, accented English, animated, antagonistic, anti-announcer, authoritative, cartoon, character, classy, cocky, concerned, confessional, conversational, crazy, elitist, executive, extreme, foreign, fortuneteller, game-show-host, german, girl-next-door, Gravitas, grouchy, high-energy, humorous, impression, irish, kooky, movie-trailer, nerd, nurse, older, perky, pompous, romantic, sexy, sweet, tough, upbeat, worldly, young, younger, young adult
    • Narration Reel
      accented, accented English, announcer, australian, british, conversational, friendly, genuine, Gravitas, hipster, imaging, informative, long form, millennial, narrative, promo, teenager, upbeat, warm, worldly, young, younger, young adult
    • Nikki T - Talent Showcase
    Foreign Language: 

    Harsha M

    Foreign Language: 