Voice Talent Search

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Search results

    Jay S

    Jay has amazing versatility and range.

    • What Connects Us
      announcer, british, compelling, confident, informative, inspirational, narrative, smooth, thoughtful
    • Lenses
      announcer, british, confident, friendly, retail, upbeat
    • Hot Chocolate
      announcer, Booming, compelling, confessional, fuzzy, middle-age, romantic, sexy, warm
    • Holiday
      accented, humorous, impression, middle-age, scottish
    • Everest
      animated, british, humorous, middle-age, pompous
    • Success
      announcer, authoritative, british, compelling, confident, gravelly, inspirational, middle-age, promo, serious
    • Jay S Showcase
    Foreign Language: 

    Peter Bi.

    Peter delivers a soft spoken, thoughtful read, with a warm and welcoming British accent.

    Foreign Language: 

    Darren A

    Darren can be fatherly, but also dark and mysterious if that's what you're into.

    Foreign Language: 

    Sandee W.

    Hailing from England, Sandee is a young, vibrant talent, who will bring authenticity to any read.


    Elaine C.

    A sophisticated and smooth British tone to add class and style to your next project.


    David S.

    Authentic British talent with a distinctive sound.

    • Spirit of St. Francis
      accented, accented English, british, classy, Deep Voice, mature, mellow, narrative, smooth, warm, worldly
    • Hard To Shift
      announcer, british, corporate, genuine, informative
    • Journey Inside
      accented, accented English, british, compelling, Gravitas, raspy, sophisticated
    • The Fun Of It
      animated, anti-announcer, british, edgy, friendly, retail, upbeat
    • Prisoners
      accented, accented English, british, compelling, genuine, grandfather, mature, narrative, real, serious, sincere
    • Choice and Freedom
      british, compelling, inspirational, romantic, storyteller
    • We Can
      british, compelling, cool, edgy, inspirational
    • Oil Rush
      attitude, biting, british, compelling, edgy, gritty, movie-trailer, tough
    • The Wolf Returns
      compelling, edgy, gritty, movie-trailer, ominous, raspy
    • Escape to Sanctuary
      anti-announcer, british, classy, confessional, conversational, soft-spoken
    • Equal Partners
      british, classy, friendly, informative, narrative, real
    • Magic in the Players
      british, classy, confident, conversational, smooth
    • We Are Limu
      british, compelling, edgy, narrative, storyteller
    • The Biggest
      anti-announcer, bravado, british, gritty, imaging
    • Sleeping Beauty
      british, classy, high-energy
    • Maldives Documentary
      british, conversational, long form, narrative
    • Monks Documentary
      british, compelling, narrative, raspy, storyteller
    • Showcase Demo
    Foreign Language: 

    Jody S.

    Jody has a smooth-sophisticated sound and a knack for owning any read she takes on. Her years of experience, confidence, professionalism, and worldly tone will add style and class to your next project.

    • Fantasy Vacation Club
      accented English, british, confident, informative, motivational, sophisticated, worldly
    • Holiday Gift Card
      accented English, british, classy, conversational, holiday, real, sophisticated, worldly
    • Tanzinite Ring
      accented English, british, classy, impression, retail, sophisticated, worldly
    • Rock N Roll Casino
      accented English, attitude, bravado, british, confident, cool, professional, sophisticated, worldly
    • 3 Million Miles
      accented English, announcer, british, confident, informative, professional, real, sophisticated, worldly
    • Global Business
      accented English, british, conversational, corporate, informative, sophisticated, technical, worldly
    • Source Of Truth
      accented English, british, caring, classy, confident, informative, professional, sophisticated, technical, worldly
    • Coffee Creamer
      accented English, british, classy, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, mellow, professional, sincere, smooth, worldly
    • Helenite Ring Studs
      accented English, british, sophisticated, worldly
    • College as Parents
      accented English, bravado, caring, compelling, confident, genuine, informative, inspirational, motivational, serious, sincere, sophisticated, thoughtful, worldly
    • Fresh Voice
      accented English, authoritative, british, confident, political, sincere, sophisticated
    • Local Table
      accented English, british, caring, compelling, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, sincere, smooth, sophisticated, thoughtful, worldly
    • Split Second
      accented English, announcer, bravado, british, confident, impression, motivational, perky, sincere, smooth, sophisticated, worldly
    • Showcase Demo
    Foreign Language: 

    Kara N.

    Kara can deliver that perfect English accent your looking for! From informative promos to a British Character, Kara's voice holds a wide range of talent.

    • Lucky
      accented, accented English, attitude, british, classy, english-showcase, foreign, foreign-language, friendly, informative, upbeat, worldly
    • Storyteller
      british, classy, foreign, storyteller
    • Retail
      british, classy, foreign, retail
    • Save Money
      british, classy, foreign, high-energy
    • Marriott
      british, classy, cool, foreign, jazzy
    • CWTV
      anti-announcer, british, classy, foreign
    • Butterfly
      british, classy, storyteller
    • CPI Aerospace Windowless Aircraft
      british, caring, classy, cool
    • Showcase Demo
      british, english-showcase
    Foreign Language: 