Voice Talent Search

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Search results

    Elizabeth W

    Elizabeth can add sophistication to any project but is also equally at home being playful and bright.

    • Jellyfish
      accented English, british, classy, compelling, narrative, sophisticated, storyteller, worldly
    • Commercial Reel
      accented English, announcer, anti-announcer, british, classy, confident, friendly, genuine, Gravitas, mature, promo, sophisticated
    • Corporate Reel
      accented English, anti-announcer, authoritative, british, confident, corporate, Gravitas, mature, mellow, professional, sophisticated, thoughtful, upbeat, warm, worldly
    • IVR
      accented English, british, confident, informative, Matter of Fact, mellow, professional
    • Narration Reel
      accented English, british, character, conversational, genuine, mother, narrative, oddball, raspy, real, storyteller
    • Showcase Demo
    Foreign Language: 

    Nicola B.

    Easygoing, hip, sultry...Nicola covers all the bases with a touch of British class.


    • Commercial Demo
      accented, accented English, announcer, authoritative, british, classy, confident, cool, Gravitas, professional, promo, retail, sophisticated, worldly
    • Corporate Demo
      accented, accented English, anti-announcer, british, classy, confident, cool, corporate, professional, smooth, upbeat, worldly
    • E-Learning
      accented, accented English, british, english-showcase, friendly, genuine, informative, long form, midlife, professional, sophisticated, Straight Forward
    • Promos
      accented, accented English, announcer, bravado, british, english-showcase, high-energy, promo
    • Showcase Demo
      accented, accented English, announcer, anti-announcer, authoritative, british, classy, confident, corporate, english-showcase, informative, mellow, midlife, neutral, professional, promo, smooth, upbeat, worldly
    Foreign Language: 

    Julie-Ann D

    Julie-Ann has incredible range and that British sophistication that lends authority to any project.

    • Commercial Reel
      accented English, announcer, anti-announcer, authoritative, british, caring, classy, compelling, confident, conversational, corporate, english-showcase, friendly, genuine, Gravitas, informative, middle-age, neutral, professional, promo, real, serious, sincere, smooth, sophisticated, thoughtful, upbeat, warm, worldly
    • Character Reel
      accented English, animated, british, cartoon, character, conversational, crazy, english-showcase, high-energy, kooky, mother, oddball, perky, social-snob, sophisticated, upbeat
    Foreign Language: 

    Peter S.

    A range as wide as the Atlantic, from hard-sell to Brit-next-door Peter can take your brand or project to the next level.

    Foreign Language: 

    Eva L.

    Full-bodied, a little sexy, and comforting, Eva is sure to bring a pure British accent to any of your voice over needs.

    • Well Bred
      animated, british, elitist, ominous, social-snob, sophisticated, storyteller
    • Unique
      british, concerned, confident, genuine, informative, mature, retail, sincere, sophisticated, technical
    • Steven O'brien
      british, concerned, informative, newscaster, ominous, political, real, serious, sincere
    • 3M- Global
      british, caring, corporate, executive, pompous, professional, sophisticated
    • Carestream Dental
      announcer, british, caring, classy, confident, cool, corporate, executive, professional, smooth, technical, warm, worldly, Medical
    • Human Stories
      accented English, british, caring, corporate, inspirational, motivational, sophisticated
    • Galaxies
      accented English, announcer, classy, compelling, confident, friendly, genuine, informative, inspirational, mellow, midlife, narrative, smooth, sophisticated
    • Eva L Showcase
    Foreign Language: 

    Robert G.

    Robert has a smooth, deep voice that brings an element of drama to all he reads.

    • Habitat for Humanity
      accented, announcer, authoritative, bravado, british, concerned, genuine, guy-next-door, informative, inspirational, motivational, professional, thoughtful, warm, worldly
    • The Werks
      accented, authoritative, british, compelling, cool, genuine, inspirational, newscaster, smooth, worldly
    • Yes Yes Yes
      accented, british, compelling, edgy, elitist, humorous, impression, informative, worldly
    • Ireland
      accented, accented English, conversational, impression, inspirational, irish
    • What is New
      accented, accented English, announcer, british, compelling, confident, corporate, informative, inspirational, motivational, sophisticated
    • Very Entertaining People Indeed
      accented, accented English, british, classy, confident, conversational, corporate, elitist, inspirational, sophisticated
    • Ridgeview Racquet Club
      accented, accented English, announcer, british, classy, confident, elitist, informative, pompous, sophisticated, stuffed-shirt
    • FX Report
      accented, accented English, announcer, biting, british, cocky, game-show-host, high-energy, humorous, informative, kooky, newscaster, oddball, worldly
    • Character Reel
      accented, accented English, animated, cartoon, character, confident, edgy, french, humorous, kooky, oddball, scottish
    • Wedding Planner
      accented, accented English, animated, confident, hipster, kooky, professional
    • Jungle Man
      accented, accented English, confident, humorous, kooky, real, worldly
    • Fairy Tale
      accented, accented English, animated, british, folksy, humorous, kooky, narrative, sophisticated
    • Black Is Back
      accented, accented English, authoritative, british, compelling, confident, high-energy, movie-trailer, ominous, pompous, promo, tough, upbeat, worldly
    • Robert G Showcase
    Foreign Language: 

    Christopher T

    From sophisticated, to everyman, to video games, Christopher is your guy across the pond.

    • Barclays
      accented, accented English, anti-announcer, british, caring, classy, confident, friendly, genuine, professional, promo, sincere, warm
    • Explainer
      accented, accented English, authoritative, british, confident, corporate, informative, long form, neutral, professional, Straight Forward
    • Medical
      accented, accented English, authoritative, british, corporate, informative, long form, professional, Medical
    • BMW
      accented, accented English, announcer, cool, professional, promo, smooth, sophisticated
    • BUPA
      accented, accented English, anti-announcer, caring, concerned, genuine, real, sincere, thoughtful, warm
    • Energy
      accented, accented English, authoritative, british, compelling, inspirational, promo
    • Onboarding
      accented, accented English, anti-announcer, british, conversational, corporate, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door, informative, millennial, professional, Straight Forward
    • Haven
      accented, accented English, anti-announcer, british, caring, classy, friendly, inspirational, mellow, sophisticated, upbeat
    • Lifetime Mortgage
      accented, accented English, anti-announcer, british, confident, corporate, mellow, professional, promo, sincere, upbeat, warm
    • Stalingrad
      accented, accented English, british, compelling, long form, mellow, narrative, sophisticated, storyteller, warm
    • Gaming Reel
      accented, accented English, animated, biting, british, character, conversational, edgy, gritty, ominous, real, tough
    • Showcase Demo
    Foreign Language: 

    Philip S.

    Philip has a light tone British Accent that is great for anything from technical long form to light-hearted characters.

    • Amstel Light
      accented, british, caring, concerned, conversational
    • Monopoly
      accented, accented English, animated, announcer, british
    • Western Union
      accented, accented English, announcer, authoritative, british, promo
    • Cricket
      accented, accented English, announcer, british, sportscaster
    • Special Olympics
      accented, accented English, authoritative, british, confident, inspirational
    • Amazon
      accented, accented English, announcer, british, confident, friendly
    • Corporate Technical
      accented, accented English, british, confident, conversational, informative, professional, technical
    • BMW Instructional
      accented, accented English, anti-announcer, british, confident, conversational, corporate, friendly, informative, long form
    • Showcase Demo
    Foreign Language: 

    Sarah M

    Sarah has it all. Warm, genuine and funny.

    Foreign Language: 