Ally has a universal sound that can be a warm announcer or authoritative!
- Ally M. - Commercial Showcase
accented, accented English, announcer, caring, confessional, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, high-energy, informative, inspirational, mature, perky, spanish-dialect, thoughtful, upbeat, warm - Ally M. -eLearning Showcase
accented English, anti-announcer, caring, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, informative, middle-age, mother, soccer mom, sweet, thoughtful, upbeat, warm - Ally M. - Documentary Showcase
accented English, anti-announcer, authoritative, confessional, conversational, english-showcase, friendly, genuine, informative, inspirational, long form, mellow, professional, storyteller, Straight Forward, worldly - Ally M. - Gaming Showcase
accented English, animated, attitude, cartoon, character, confident, high-energy, neutral, perky, serious, tough, upbeat, warm, young adult