Wynn E. Deep, gritty and folksy with cowboy wisdom. Wynn's confident authority is perfect "whenever" you need a great read.Wynn E. VO videoshttps://simian.me/9mmclMedia: Bull Ridin'authoritative, Booming, bravado, confident, country, cowboy, Deep Voice, folksy, gravelly, Gravitas, gritty, homespun, raspy, Sam Elliott style, storyteller, toughPolitical Demopolitical, Sam Elliott style, serious, toughDelta Waterfowlannouncer, attitude, authoritative, Booming, confident, country, Deep Voice, folksy, gravelly, gritty, homespun, informative, narrative, raspy, toughHistory Channel - Chasing Mummiescompelling, confident, edgy, gravelly, gritty, imaging, ominous, toughHitmanannouncer, attitude, authoritative, compelling, edgy, extreme, gravelly, movie-trailer, ominous, raspy, serious, toughSkyline Chiliconfident, Deep Voice, gravelly, gritty, raspyHouse of Laddersattitude, authoritative, compelling, gravelly, gritty, hard-sell, high-energy, movie-trailer, ominous, promo, toughSnowblowergravelly, humorous, midlife, raspyAlaska's Emerald Isleauthoritative, gravelly, inspirational, mellow, motivational, raspy, smooth, soft-spoken, warmU Loftsconfident, gritty, toughAdvanced Metalworkingattitude, authoritative, confident, gravelly, motivational, Sam Elliott styleSeton Health Plancaring, compelling, gravelly, upbeatEnergy for Oklahomaconversational, cowboy, folksy, gravelly, homespun, raspy, Sam Elliott styleSchewel Furniture Storesanimated, gravelly, hard-sell, high-energy, raspy, tough, upbeatFCCJanimated, cool, gravelly, motivational, raspy, upbeatBring It On, Autobot!authoritative, character, confident, gravelly, Gravitas, gritty, ominous, raspy, serious, toughAutoZonefolksy, gravelly, homespun, neutral, raspyMonsters - Politicalanimated, gravelly, gritty, political, raspy, toughHarley Davidson Scratcher - Va. Lotterygravelly, gritty, raspy, Sam Elliott style, toughAmarillo National Bankattitude, authoritative, gritty, middle-age, midlife, raspy, toughCentra Bankantagonistic, attitude, authoritative, biting, coach, drill-sergeant, executive, gravelly, gritty, high-energy, mature, midlife, raspy, toughMr. Rockerattitude, deadpanWynn E - Showcase Demo Talent DataAge Range: AdultEthnicity: CaucasianGender: MaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: non-union
Robert G. Robert has a smooth, deep voice that brings an element of drama to all he reads.Media: Habitat for Humanityaccented, announcer, authoritative, bravado, british, concerned, genuine, guy-next-door, informative, inspirational, motivational, professional, thoughtful, warm, worldlyThe Werksaccented, authoritative, british, compelling, cool, genuine, inspirational, newscaster, smooth, worldlyYes Yes Yesaccented, british, compelling, edgy, elitist, humorous, impression, informative, worldlyIrelandaccented, accented English, conversational, impression, inspirational, irishWhat is Newaccented, accented English, announcer, british, compelling, confident, corporate, informative, inspirational, motivational, sophisticatedVery Entertaining People Indeedaccented, accented English, british, classy, confident, conversational, corporate, elitist, inspirational, sophisticatedRidgeview Racquet Clubaccented, accented English, announcer, british, classy, confident, elitist, informative, pompous, sophisticated, stuffed-shirtFX Reportaccented, accented English, announcer, biting, british, cocky, game-show-host, high-energy, humorous, informative, kooky, newscaster, oddball, worldlyCharacter Reelaccented, accented English, animated, cartoon, character, confident, edgy, french, humorous, kooky, oddball, scottishWedding Planneraccented, accented English, animated, confident, hipster, kooky, professionalJungle Manaccented, accented English, confident, humorous, kooky, real, worldlyFairy Taleaccented, accented English, animated, british, folksy, humorous, kooky, narrative, sophisticatedBlack Is Backaccented, accented English, authoritative, british, compelling, confident, high-energy, movie-trailer, ominous, pompous, promo, tough, upbeat, worldlyRobert G Showcase Talent DataAge Range: AdultEthnicity: CaucasianGender: MaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: non-unionForeign Language: British
Samia A. With a strong background in theater, Samia is able to play a wide range of different voices including Nigerian/West African, Jamaican and her warm British accent always adds a brilliant elegant touch.Media: Allureaccented, accented English, African American, confident, ominous, sexy, storyteller, worldlyNewsaccented, accented English, African American, gritty, informative, professional, real, worldlyThe Kissaccented, accented English, African American, compelling, genuine, storytellerNew Age Health Spaaccented, accented English, African American, confident, soft-spokenSmooth Jazzaccented, accented English, African American, character, jamaican, warmFTDaccented, accented English, African American, cool, friendly, jazzy, worldlyOver 100 Yearsaccented, African, African American, announcer, authoritative, Booming, compelling, confident, edgy, friendly, genuine, worldlyQuest accented, accented English, African American, announcer, compelling, cool, movie-trailer, serious, smoothQuestionsaccented, accented English, African American, british, serious, social-snob, sophisticated, stuffed-shirt, worldlyA Houseaccented, accented English, African American, elitist, friendly, narrative, worldlyThe Faith Effectaccented, African, African American, caring, informative, narrative, neutral, serious, social-snob, storyteller, worldlyAll Is Lostaccented, accented English, African American, british, compelling, foreign, informative, inspirational, ominous, storyteller, worldlyThe Internetaccented, accented English, African American, british, compelling, edgy, foreign, informative, ominous, worldlyShowcase Demoenglish-showcase Talent DataAge Range: AdultGender: FemaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishBritishUnion Eligibility: UnionForeign Language: BritishSouth African
Michael L. Deep, smooth tones with a rich texture. Michael will deliver your copy with a unique character that melts the soul.Media: Don't Destroy Medicaid-Politicalannouncer, authoritative, biting, Booming, compelling, concerned, confident, Deep Voice, extreme, Gravitas, ominous, political, serious, toughJohn Willis-Dreaming Big-PoliticalAfrican American, announcer, attitude, compelling, confessional, conversational, cool, country, cowboy, Deep Voice, folksy, genuine, inspirational, mature, Morgan Freeman style, motivational, political, real, sincereSteve Wendell for State Treasurer-Politicalannouncer, authoritative, biting, Booming, classy, compelling, edgy, inspirational, politicalSenetor Scott LeBeau-Politicalannouncer, Booming, classy, compelling, confident, conversational, Deep Voice, informative, inspirational, politicalJohn Locarno-Negative Politicalannouncer, attitude, biting, Booming, edgy, political, serious, toughBirthday Cardbravado, classy, cool, romantic, sexy, smooth, soft-spoken, warmAfrican American Historyannouncer, authoritative, smoothHome Ownerguy-next-door, realNewbornfriendlyMiss Utilityanti-announcer, cool, guy-next-door, realDigital Telephoneannouncer, authoritative, smoothBasketball Is Backannouncer, authoritative, movie-trailer, newscaster, promo, sportscasterCajun King Shrimpannouncer, authoritativeMichael L Showcase Talent DataAge Range: AdultEthnicity: African AmericanGender: MaleUnion Eligibility: non-union
Tommy C. Tommy has a smooth and confident voice that a person can trust. From Conversational to deadpan, and everything in between, his voice fits the bill.Tommy C. VO videoshttps://simian.me/dr4ttMedia: Communityanti-announcer, confident, friendly, fuzzy, genuine, mellow, sincere, warmIced TeaAfrican American, edgy, extreme, high-energy, promoChemistryauthoritative, confident, Gravitas, professionalHealthcare Partneranti-announcer, caring, friendly, genuine, sincere, warmDowntown GeneralAfrican American, conversational, genuine, guy-next-door, realValentinesAfrican American, cocky, cool, Deep Voice, romantic, smoothDino Exhibitannouncer, Booming, Deep Voice, Gravitas, movie-trailerAll the Magicanti-announcer, friendly, fuzzy, promo, sweet, upbeat, warmSpeed Zoneannouncer, confident, edgy, hard-sell, high-energy, promoIn the Cloudannouncer, confident, corporate, high-energy, professional, promo, upbeatBox of Hopeanti-announcer, conversational, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door, mature, mellow, millennial, nostalgic, smooth, warmFootball Seasonanimated, announcer, attitude, Booming, coach, confident, Deep Voice, edgy, high-energy, promo, sportscaster, toughSummertimeanimated, announcer, high-energy, humorous, perky, retail, warmHoliday Sliceanti-announcer, character, confident, conversational, genuine, humorous, mellow, nostalgic, real, smooth, upbeatCollege Experienceconfessional, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door, mellow, millennial, motivational, sincere, smooth, upbeatPolitical Reelenglish-showcase, politicalShowcase Demoenglish-showcase Talent DataAge Range: Adult20-40Ethnicity: African AmericanGender: MaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: non-union
Antonio E. Antonio is a bilingual talent with amazing range! From conversational to Gravitas his voice will give life to any script!Media: Animal Kingdomattitude, Booming, compelling, Gravitas, gritty, ominousMagic Weekendannouncer, Booming, friendly, high-energy, perkyBomb Detectionannouncer, authoritative, Booming, compelling, confident, Gravitas, high-energy, movie-trailer, professional, serious, toughLottocharacter, elitist, foreign-language, humorous, kookySelective Serviceconfident, genuine, informativeConcerned Patientaccented English, concerned, conversational, genuine, guy-next-door, real, serious, soft-spokenTequilaaccented English, compelling, cool, guy-next-door, high-energy, smooth, upbeatConversationalconversational, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door, sincereAntonio E - Showcase Demospanish-showcase Talent DataAge Range: 20-40Ethnicity: HispanicGender: MaleLanguages Spoken: SpanishUnion Eligibility: non-unionForeign Language: Spanish
Vita C. TopTenConfident and sultry with a raspy timbre that is very reassuring.Media: Rolexannouncer, attitude, authoritative, classy, compelling, confident, corporate, executive, inspirational, motivational, professional, sophisticatedMercedes Benzaccented English, announcer, classy, confident, corporate, executive, Gravitas, serious, sophisticated, thoughtful, worldlyKibbleannouncer, caring, compelling, concerned, conversational, friendly, genuine, girl-next-door, mother, sincere, soccer mom, thoughtful, warmThe Coveannouncer, classy, compelling, confident, conversational, cool, elitist, executive, nostalgic, romantic, warmTik Tik Boomannouncer, Booming, classy, confident, high-energy, inspirational, motivational, movie-trailer, promo, retail, upbeatValsparannouncer, authoritative, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, girl-next-door, informative, inspirational, motivational, promo, real, retail, upbeatFort Lee Homebase Credit Unionannouncer, compelling, confident, conversational, corporate, genuine, Gravitas, informative, inspirational, motivational, sophisticated, thoughtfulGEcorporate, executive, informative, long form, mature, middle-age, raspyJet BlueraspyBailey's Creamermellow, smoothPolitical ReelpoliticalTrak Itaccented English, british, informative, long form, technicalArmstrong Wood Havenhigh-energyHere's the Treasure Mapcartoon, characterWorldly European Accentanimated, character, foreign, middle-age, raspy, worldlySecret Agentauthoritative, british, character, matureGatlinburgmature, southernMy Mothercharacter, jewishShowcase Demoenglish-showcase Talent DataAge Range: Adult40-60Ethnicity: CaucasianGender: FemaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: non-union
Gerry G. Gerry's smooth voices will add an air of sophistication to any project. But if you want him to dial it up, then get ready!Media: Corporate Powerannouncer, attitude, authoritative, classy, compelling, confident, motivational, sophisticated, thoughtful, warm, worldlyLucas Fordannouncer, hard-sell, high-energy, promo, retail, upbeatKind of Man To Beannouncer, conversational, cool, friendly, jazzy, mature, raspy, real, sophisticated, warmBakery Freshannouncer, friendly, guy-next-door, homespun, mature, real, retail, upbeatGo Houstonannouncer, friendly, genuine, realLottery-Politicalannouncer, concerned, confident, politicalToysannouncer, authoritative, classy, compelling, gritty, imaging, inspirational, movie-trailer, thoughtfulToyotaauthoritative, conversational, sincere, storyteller, thoughtfulHondaannouncer, cool, edgy, gritty, motivational, serious, thoughtfulBanking Storyannouncer, friendly, guy-next-door, humorous, narrative, sincere, warmGrand Am Road Racingannouncer, attitude, edgy, gritty, sportscaster, toughCox Cableannouncer, friendly, real, upbeatPolitical Reelannouncer, english-showcase, politicalGerry G Showcase Talent DataAge Range: Adult20-40Ethnicity: CaucasianGender: MaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: non-unionUnion
Jeannette O. Her voice has got experience way beyond her years. Try it out and see for yourself!Media: Make A Differencecaring, cool, folksy, friendly, genuine, informative, inspirational, perky, sincere, soft-spoken, sweet, upbeat, warmSolutions authoritative, classy, confident, cool, friendly, genuine, informative, narrative, professional, technicalMoments In Lifefriendly, fuzzy, informative, inspirational, movie-trailer, perky, smooth, soft-spoken, storyteller, sweet, upbeatTransformationalannouncer, caring, confident, inspirational, motivational, serious, sincereBabiescaring, friendly, fuzzy, genuine, millennial, mother, soft-spoken, warmCooking With Your Kidsannouncer, confident, conversational, folksy, homespun, mother, soft-spoken, sweetSt Judes Hospitalannouncer, caring, concerned, confident, inspirational, mellow, soft-spokenReliefannouncer, confident, conversational, cool, friendly, genuine, informative, motivational, nurse, perky, smooth, sweet, upbeatAnyone Out Therecaring, confident, conversational, cool, friendly, genuine, informative, mother, professional, sincere, soccer mom, soft-spoken, sweet, upbeatMurder Mysterybiting, compelling, edgy, ominous, promo, storytellerPolitical Demoenglish-showcase, politicalShowcase Demoenglish-showcase Talent DataAge Range: Adult20-40Gender: FemaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: non-union
Dennis B. A smooth voice that is both confident and comforting at the same timeMedia: Investigationannouncer, authoritative, biting, bravado, Deep Voice, gravelly, Gravitas, gritty, promo, toughRetirementannouncer, caring, classy, concerned, friendly, genuine, gravelly, homespun, sincere, thoughtful, warmNew American Westcountry, folksy, friendly, fuzzy, nostalgic, real, sincere, thoughtful, warmTV Dramaattitude, authoritative, Booming, bravado, Deep Voice, gravelly, Gravitas, gritty, grouchy, seriousPennyconversational, friendly, genuine, homespun, storyteller, thoughtfulSouthwest Virginiacaring, country, father, folksy, friendly, older, warmMovieattitude, authoritative, bravado, Deep Voice, gravelly, movie-trailer, promo, toughPoliticsantagonistic, authoritative, compelling, motivational, politicalPolitical-Positiveannouncer, political, sincere, upbeatPolitical-Negativeannouncer, antagonistic, biting, politicalDennis B Showcase Demo Talent DataAge Range: Adult40-60Ethnicity: CaucasianGender: MaleLanguages Spoken: EnglishUnion Eligibility: non-union