Voice Talent Search

The search found 41 results in 0.031 seconds.

Search results

    David V.

    From warm and witty to dignified and distinguished, David has the skills to do it all and the voice to make sure your message is remembered.

    • Making Good
      accented, accented English, announcer, authoritative, british, conversational, executive, foreign, genuine, imaging, movie-trailer, narrative, sophisticated, storyteller, thoughtful, worldly
    • Naughty
      accented English, anti-announcer, british, character, humorous, jazzy, upbeat, worldly
    • Stars
      accented, accented English, announcer, antagonistic, attitude, authoritative, biting, bravado, british, promo, worldly
    • Massage
      accented English, anti-announcer, british, character, cool, humorous, mellow, oddball, smooth, soft-spoken, storyteller, thoughtful, worldly
    • Puddles
      accented, accented English, animated, anti-announcer, british, character, humorous, oddball, upbeat, worldly
    • Give Away
      accented, accented English, animated, announcer, british, friendly, genuine, informative, sincere, upbeat, warm, worldly
    • Tomorrow
      accented, accented English, anti-announcer, british, caring, cool, friendly, genuine, mellow, real, sincere, smooth, thoughtful, warm, worldly
    • Last Emperor
      accented, accented English, announcer, british, smooth, upbeat, warm, worldly
    • Research
      accented, accented English, anti-announcer, british, caring, friendly, genuine, upbeat, warm, worldly
    • Home
      accented, accented English, announcer, british, friendly, genuine, informative, mellow, smooth, warm, worldly
    • Pets
      accented, accented English, british, cool, folksy, foreign, perky, upbeat, worldly
    • Santa Claus
      accented, accented English, character, high-energy, kooky, worldly
    • Arthritis Pain
      accented, accented English, announcer, british, classy, sexy, worldly
    • Character Voices
      accented, accented English, animated, character, high-energy, humorous, kooky, worldly
    • Classical Music Masterpieces
      accented, accented English, announcer, british, classy, worldly
    • Christmas
      accented, accented English, announcer, british, classy, friendly, worldly
    • Lucky Christmas
      accented, accented English, announcer, bravado, british, holiday, motivational, narrative, worldly
    • Extreme World
      accented, accented English, announcer, british, conversational, Gravitas, imaging, worldly
    • Swiss Wine Week
      accented, accented English, anti-announcer, british, classy, friendly, worldly
    • UK Pension
      accented, accented English, anti-announcer, british, friendly, informative, worldly
    • Waterloo
      accented, accented English, announcer, british, informative, mellow, worldly
    • Finding A Home
      accented, accented English, announcer, british, caring, friendly, worldly
    • New Car
      accented, accented English, british, caring, conversational, cool, father, friendly, middle-age, midlife, narrative, sophisticated, storyteller, worldly
    • Orchestra
      accented, accented English, announcer, british, classy, informative, worldly
    • Pension
      accented, accented English, announcer, british, friendly, informative, worldly
    • Wireless Speakers
      accented, accented English, british, classy, informative, midlife, smooth, worldly
    • November Commercials.mp3
    • David V - Talent Showcase