Voice Talent Search

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Search results

    Bob T.

    Deep and textured, Bob's voice commands attention. He'll interpret your copy with sizzle or subtle salesmanship.


    Brian M

    Brian is all about the Bass! This guy's tones will rattle the floorboards in any production. Sports? Nails it! Guy stuff? Boom! He even has a sensitive side if you need a gentle giant.

    • Dunkin Donuts
      Booming, Deep Voice, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door
    • Your Sports
      attitude, authoritative, Booming, confident, Deep Voice, edgy, guy-next-door, high-energy, sportscaster, upbeat
    • American Workers
      compelling, Deep Voice, guy-next-door, Morgan Freeman style, sincere, thoughtful
    • The real Thing
      attitude, confident, Deep Voice, guy-next-door
    • WIn A fight
      attitude, authoritative, Booming, coach, confident, Deep Voice
    • Just A Box
      caring, compelling, Deep Voice, friendly, genuine, real, sincere
    • Game Day
      attitude, authoritative, Booming, coach, confident, Deep Voice, guy-next-door, high-energy, tough
    • Cover New Ground
      announcer, Deep Voice, guy-next-door, informative
    • Most Popular Sport
      announcer, Booming, Deep Voice
    • Eye Care
      conversational, Deep Voice
    • Showcase Demo - Brian M

    Lamont R

    Deep voice that can convey both authority and warmth.

    • BMW
      African American, announcer, Booming, bravado, confident, Deep Voice, genuine, gravelly, gritty, inspirational, middle-age, motivational, professional, smooth
    • iBaby
      African American, caring, Deep Voice, friendly, genuine, sincere, smooth, warm
    • Forbes
      African American, announcer, authoritative, Booming, bravado, compelling, Deep Voice, gravelly, gritty, professional, smooth, tough
    • South Central Medical
      African American, announcer, caring, concerned, Deep Voice, friendly, genuine, gravelly, informative, professional, sincere, smooth, thoughtful
    • Health Care
      African American, announcer, Booming, bravado, caring, compelling, Deep Voice, friendly, genuine, gravelly, Gravitas, inspirational, motivational, professional, serious, sincere, smooth, warm
    • Lamont R - Showcase

    Brad G.

    Rich and deep natural pipes. Tough as James Earl. Warm as a teddy bear.

    • ACC Championship
      African American, announcer, Booming, Deep Voice, smooth
    • Biscuit Deal
      African American, announcer, Booming, Deep Voice, friendly
    • Hardware Headquarters
      African, announcer, confident, Deep Voice, friendly, guy-next-door
    • Healthcare
      African American, announcer, caring, compelling, concerned, friendly, mellow, sincere, smooth, thoughtful, warm
    • Pilsner
      African, announcer, attitude, authoritative, Booming, Gravitas, tough
    • Air To Ground
      African American, announcer, authoritative, compelling, Deep Voice
    • Smooth Jazz
      African American, announcer, cool, Deep Voice, imaging, romantic
    • Basketball
      African American, announcer, Deep Voice, imaging, promo, upbeat
    • Network ID
      African American, announcer, Booming, confident, Deep Voice, Gravitas, imaging, promo
    • Showcase Demo - Brad G
      Deep Voice

    Duke M.

    Duke has those super DEEP tones that will make your spot sing.

    • Airline
      announcer, authoritative, Booming, classy, confident, Deep Voice, gravelly, Gravitas, gritty, mature, middle-age, midlife
    • Audi
      announcer, authoritative, Booming, bravado, confident, cool, Deep Voice, edgy, gravelly, Gravitas, mature, middle-age, movie-trailer, tough
    • Auto Dealerships
      announcer, attitude, authoritative, biting, Booming, gravelly, gritty, hard-sell, promo, tough
    • Advanced Hospitals
      caring, Deep Voice, friendly, mature, middle-age, midlife, warm
    • Big and Rich
      announcer, attitude, confident, Deep Voice, edgy, gravelly, Gravitas, gritty, hard-sell, mature, middle-age, midlife, promo
    • Golden Corral
      announcer, authoritative, cool, country, Deep Voice, folksy, friendly, genuine, gravelly, Gravitas, gritty, warm
    • Sharpie
      announcer, Booming, bravado, cocky, cool, Deep Voice, edgy, gravelly, Gravitas, gritty, mature, middle-age, midlife, tough
    • Political Reel
      english-showcase, political
    • Auto Reel
      announcer, english-showcase
    • Commercial Reel
      Deep Voice, english-showcase
    • Narration
      announcer, authoritative, Deep Voice, narrative
    • Showcase Demo

    David Wi.

    A warm and caring voice of authority that could be your neighbor!

    • Phone Company
      anti-announcer, conversational, Deep Voice, folksy, friendly, genuine, gravelly, homespun, mellow, middle-age, midlife, real, sincere, warm
    • Storytellers
      anti-announcer, caring, conversational, Deep Voice, friendly, fuzzy, genuine, gravelly, Gravitas, inspirational, mellow, middle-age, midlife, motivational, real, sincere, smooth, storyteller, thoughtful, warm
    • Medicine
      announcer, caring, concerned, confident, Deep Voice, father, friendly, genuine, middle-age, midlife, narrative, smooth, thoughtful, warm
    • Across the Kitchen Table
      caring, compelling, conversational, Deep Voice, genuine, guy-next-door, middle-age, midlife, motivational, real, sincere
    • Tether Management System
      announcer, authoritative, confident, corporate, informative, professional, promo, technical
    • Elite Clipper
      announcer, authoritative, bravado, confident, Deep Voice, gravelly, Gravitas, gritty, serious, tough
    • Auto Dealership
      announcer, authoritative, confident, Deep Voice, folksy, friendly, genuine, gravelly, Gravitas, gritty, guy-next-door, homespun, informative, mellow, middle-age, midlife, professional, raspy, southern, warm
    • The Heart of the Appalachian
      announcer, classy, compelling, confident, conversational, cool, Deep Voice, friendly, genuine, informative, mellow, narrative, sincere, storyteller, warm
    • Western Airlines
      caring, compelling, conversational, genuine, gravelly, inspirational, sincere, warm
    • Club Level Tires
      announcer, attitude, Booming, bravado, confident, hard-sell, high-energy, promo
    • Pies
      announcer, character, confident, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door, humorous, middle-age, midlife, narrative, real, storyteller, warm
    • Spec of dust
      announcer, authoritative, character, confident, conversational, country, cowboy, Deep Voice, folksy, friendly, genuine, gravelly, gritty, homespun, mature, mellow, middle-age, midlife, narrative, real, sincere, smooth, soft-spoken, southern, storyteller, warm
    • Furniture Retail
      announcer, Deep Voice, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door, middle-age, midlife, professional, retail, sincere, warm
    • Keeping People Safe
      announcer, authoritative, bravado, compelling, confident, corporate, Deep Voice, Gravitas, informative, mature, middle-age, midlife, professional
    • Prospector
      attitude, cartoon, character, conversational, country, gravelly, gritty, informative, southern
    • American Ninja
      announcer, attitude, compelling, movie-trailer, promo
    • Political Demo
      announcer, authoritative, bravado, compelling, confident, Deep Voice, executive, Gravitas, informative, middle-age, midlife, motivational, political, professional, sincere, smooth, upbeat
    • David W - Political Negative
      announcer, antagonistic, attitude, authoritative, biting, compelling, concerned, confident, political
    • Be better. That's what it takes.
      accented, accented English, announcer, australian, authoritative, compelling, confident, guy-next-door, inspirational, middle-age, midlife, motivational, sincere
    • DavidW-Showcase

    Sam A.

    Smooth and deep with an ear catching tone

    Foreign Language: 

    Rodney W.

    Big, youthful urban sound, great actor and spokesman material.

    • Black History
      African American, Booming, cool, middle-age, nostalgic, real, romantic
    • Snap Out of It
      African American, attitude, Booming, Deep Voice, high-energy, promo
    • Wynn Job Center
      African American, conversational, Deep Voice, genuine, guy-next-door, middle-age
    • Grand Discount Furniture
      African American, cocky, conversational, Deep Voice, middle-age, midlife, real
    • AG Cooper
      African American, concerned, Gravitas, political, serious
    • Williamsburg
      African American, authoritative, compelling, Gravitas, middle-age, narrative
    • Senator George Clay
      African American, authoritative, confident, gravelly, middle-age, political
    • Election Time
      African American, animated, character, Deep Voice, middle-age, oddball, political
    • Calcium
      African American, attitude, cocky, confident, Deep Voice, middle-age, real, upbeat
    • United States Air Force
      African American, caring, Deep Voice, friendly, genuine, inspirational, middle-age, midlife, real, sincere
    • D O Double G
      African American, cool, hip-hop, imaging, upbeat
    • Dialysis
      African American, Deep Voice, genuine, gravelly, middle-age, real, upbeat
    • Rodney W Showcase

    Alexey K.

    Excellent Deep Announcer Russian Voice with gravel

    • Announcers
      announcer, confident, edgy, gravelly, Gravitas, gritty, imaging, middle-age, midlife, narrative, promo, raspy, retail, worldly
    • Deep Voices
      announcer, antagonistic, attitude, authoritative, biting, Booming, confident, Deep Voice, edgy, extreme, gravelly, Gravitas, gritty, ominous, professional, promo, raspy, serious, tough
    • Documentary
      announcer, compelling, confident, deadpan, Deep Voice, edgy, professional, promo, raspy, tough
    • Showcase Demo
    Foreign Language: 

    Tucker T.

    From high energy car sales to sincere healthcare adds, Tucker can do it all!

    • What You Need To Succeed
      compelling, confident, Deep Voice, inspirational, millennial, motivational, young adult
    • College Pro
      confident, friendly, high-energy, upbeat, young adult
    • For A Lifetime
      country, Deep Voice, folksy, genuine, informative, middle-age, midlife
    • More Than Just Technology
      caring, concerned, Deep Voice, genuine, inspirational, motivational, real, serious, sincere, thoughtful, warm, young adult
    • Bikes USA
      conversational, cool, friendly, high-energy, informative, promo, upbeat
    • BoFlex Body
      confident, cool, Deep Voice, midlife, tough, young adult
    • Demo