Voice Talent Search

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Search results

    Esteban S.

    Esteban has a very warm and down to earth tone that is great for that everyday guy type read or a heartfelt political ad. He also has a great read in English which is perfect continuity for bilingual projects.

    Foreign Language: 

    Peter Bi.

    Peter delivers a soft spoken, thoughtful read, with a warm and welcoming British accent.

    Foreign Language: 

    Scott E

    Young and versatile talent with a delivery that ranges from upbeat and positive to serious and dramatic.


    Chandler B.

    Bright and friendly female who can add the personal touch.

    • Western Health
      conversational, friendly, genuine, thoughtful, young adult
    • Long John Silvers
      announcer, upbeat, young adult
    • Babies
      compelling, concerned, confident, conversational, fuzzy, inspirational, mellow, smooth, sweet, thoughtful, warm, young adult
    • Teacher
      confident, conversational, cool, sincere, upbeat, young adult
    • Lowes
      announcer, confident, high-energy, tough, upbeat
    • Ideas
      compelling, confident, genuine, informative, inspirational, narrative, storyteller, thoughtful
    • Showcase Demo - Chandler B

    Vincent A

    If you're looking for a kid with spunk and a raspy voice! You've come to the right place! From funny to tough, he's got it all!

    • Knicks
      announcer, promo, teenager, young adult
    • Thank You
      announcer, caring, compelling, concerned, friendly, fuzzy, real, teenager, thoughtful, warm, young adult
    • Summer Program
      compelling, conversational, genuine, real, sincere, teenager, thoughtful, warm, young adult
    • Talk To Your Teen
      anti-announcer, confident, conversational, real, teenager, young adult
    • Join With Musicians
      announcer, conversational, friendly, real, retail, teenager, young adult
    • Vincent A Showcase
      announcer, anti-announcer, compelling, genuine, inspirational, real, retail, teenager

    Diamandi D

    Diamandi has great range for any project. Warm and tender. Upbeat and Perky. She can do it all for you next project - whatever it calls for.

    • DQ.com_
      announcer, attitude, confident, friendly, hard-sell, high-energy, perky, promo, upbeat
    • Yukon Health
      announcer, caring, compelling, concerned, conversational, Gravitas, mother, nurse, real, sincere, thoughtful, warm
    • Kroger
      announcer, character, folksy, friendly, genuine, high-energy, homespun, humorous, promo, storyteller, upbeat
    • Wells Fargo
      announcer, anti-announcer, caring, classy, compelling, confessional, confident, conversational, cool, corporate, Deep Voice, executive, folksy, informative, inspirational, mature, narrative, real, storyteller, thoughtful
    • Showcase Demo - Diamandi D.mp3
      announcer, english-showcase

    Tim Po

    Movie trailer gravitas to guy next door with plenty of retail in between, Tim owns it!

    • TimPo Showcase Demo
      announcer, anti-announcer, authoritative, confident, conversational, corporate, english-showcase, edgy, friendly, genuine, Gravitas, gritty, high-energy, oddball, professional, promo, real, retail, serious, tough
    • TimPo Game Reel
      character, english-showcase
    • TimPo Political Reel
      announcer, anti-announcer, attitude, authoritative, Booming, compelling, concerned, confident, friendly, gravelly, gritty, political, raspy

    Elli W

    Elli can be sweet or brash - whatever your project needs!

    • Snacks To Go
      anti-announcer, attitude, cocky, compelling, confessional, confident, conversational, cool, edgy, gritty, humorous, real, tough
    • Fairway
      announcer, confident, conversational, friendly, genuine, informative, mother, perky, promo, real, retail, upbeat
    • Level The Playing Field-Political
      announcer, antagonistic, authoritative, compelling, concerned, confident, gritty, political, tough
    • Pigeon Forge Vacations
      announcer, caring, compelling, confident, conversational, folksy, friendly, genuine, informative, mother, perky, promo, real, soccer mom, thoughtful, upbeat
    • Xmas Tree Shops
      announcer, folksy, genuine, middle-age, midlife, mother, perky, promo, real, soccer mom, upbeat
    • Domestic Abuse
      announcer, authoritative, caring, concerned, confessional, confident, conversational, edgy, Gravitas, inspirational, mature, serious, thoughtful
    • Showcase Demo - Elli W.mp3

    David M.

    He can go from soft sell to hard sell, exhibiting wonderful Scottish tones.


    Connor L

    Connor's got a great thoughtful kids voice - questioning and ready for the world...

    • Anti-Smoking
      compelling, confessional, confident, conversational, inspirational, kid-next-door, motivational, real, sincere, thoughtful, young, younger
    • Air!
      compelling, confident, conversational, genuine, kid-next-door, motivational, real, storyteller, thoughtful, young, younger
    • Pennies From Heaven
      caring, concerned, conversational, friendly, genuine, inspirational, kid-next-door, narrative, real, sincere, storyteller, thoughtful, young, younger
    • Pet Parade
      conversational, friendly, kid-next-door, upbeat, young, younger
    • Showcase Demo - Connor L.