Sophie can be remarkably thoughtful. But she can also be a ray of sunshine.
- Sophie G- Showcase Demo
announcer, caring, compelling, concerned, confident, friendly, fuzzy, genuine, holiday, kid-next-door, sincere, sweet, teenager, warm, young - Exotic Pet Parade
announcer, conversational, kid-next-door, perky, promo, real, sincere, upbeat, young - 4 Kids On Demand
announcer, compelling, cool, kid-next-door, upbeat, young - Pet Adoption
announcer, caring, concerned, conversational, informative, young - Children's Hospital Foundation
announcer, caring, compelling, confident, genuine, informative, thoughtful, young - Back To School Mom
announcer, caring, compelling, sincere, young - Winter Wonderfest
animated, announcer, confident, cool, fuzzy, holiday, perky