Penelope H.

Penelope is a great reader and quick study when interpreting scripts.

  • Penelope H - Showcase Demo
    animated, announcer, anti-announcer, compelling, concerned, conversational, friendly, high-energy, informative, inspirational, kid-next-door, promo, serious, upbeat, warm, young
  • 3 In A Row Pro
    announcer, friendly, high-energy, kid-next-door, promo, upbeat, young
  • Pennies
    anti-announcer, compelling, conversational, friendly, informative, inspirational, real
  • Children's Hospital
    anti-announcer, caring, compelling, neutral, real, warm, young
  • Joy of Reading
    animated, anti-announcer, Booming, confident, high-energy, imaging, inspirational, narrative, upbeat
  • Not Smoking
    announcer, compelling, concerned, edgy, informative, serious