MollyJean W.

Sweet girl with a lot of energy. Can deliver warm and real reads.

  • Smile
    animated, anti-announcer, confident, conversational, cool, friendly, kid-next-door, perky, retail, teenager, upbeat, young, younger
  • Claire's
    animated, anti-announcer, attitude, confident, conversational, cool, friendly, genuine, inspirational, kid-next-door, motivational, perky, real, retail, teenager, upbeat, young, younger
  • Here We Are
    attitude, authoritative, compelling, confident, cool, Gravitas, inspirational, motivational, narrative, serious, storyteller, teenager, thoughtful, young, younger
  • The Givers
    anti-announcer, caring, compelling, confessional, conversational, cool, inspirational, kid-next-door, motivational, narrative, sincere, storyteller, teenager, thoughtful, warm, young, younger
  • By My Side
    anti-announcer, caring, compelling, confessional, confident, conversational, cool, genuine, inspirational, kid-next-door, motivational, real, sincere, teenager, thoughtful, warm, young, younger
  • Dreams
    anti-announcer, compelling, conversational, cool, genuine, inspirational, kid-next-door, narrative, real, sincere, storyteller, teenager, thoughtful, young, younger
  • Shipwreck Reef
    animated, conversational, cool, friendly, genuine, kid-next-door, narrative, real, storyteller, teenager, upbeat, young, younger
  • Showcase Demo - MollyJean W.