A chameleon when it comes to voices giving you exactly what you want when you need it.
- Sure
announcer, anti-announcer, attitude, cocky, compelling, confident, cool - Reebok
animated, announcer, anti-announcer, attitude, authoritative, Booming, bravado, cocky, Deep Voice, edgy, extreme, gravelly, gritty, hip-hop, promo, raspy, retail, retro, tough - Auto Insurance
announcer, authoritative, concerned, confident, conversational, corporate, father, genuine, guy-next-door, informative, middle-age, professional, real, warm - Acqua Panna
announcer, classy, compelling, confident, conversational, cool, Deep Voice, holiday, inspirational, mature, mellow, romantic, smooth, warm - Sunny D
animated, announcer, friendly, high-energy, perky, promo, retail, upbeat - Museum of Science
conversational, deadpan, edgy, folksy, humorous, real, upbeat - Coors
anti-announcer, attitude, compelling, cool, Deep Voice, edgy, folksy, retail, tough - 100 Percent
anti-announcer, attitude, bravado, caring, cocky, compelling, concerned, confident, conversational, cool, deadpan, edgy, elitist, friendly, generation-x, genuine, gravelly, Gravitas, gritty, guy-next-door, hard-sell, high-energy, hipster, informative, inspirational, mature, mellow, millennial, motivational, narrative, ominous, perky, raspy, real, retail, serious, sincere, smooth, soft-spoken, sophisticated, tough, upbeat, warm - Clear Eyes
animated, announcer, friendly, hard-sell, high-energy, motivational, promo, retail, upbeat - Mastermind
animated, announcer, friendly, hard-sell, high-energy, promo, retail, upbeat - Cinerama
announcer, bravado, compelling, confident, conversational, friendly, high-energy, informative, inspirational, long form, motivational, narrative, nostalgic, perky, pompous, promo, smooth, sophisticated, storyteller, upbeat - Asteroid
announcer, authoritative, Booming, bravado, compelling, confident, edgy, Gravitas, informative, motivational, movie-trailer, narrative, ominous, pompous, promo, serious, smooth, sophisticated, storyteller - Dorothy Lynch
anti-announcer, conversational, cool, father, guy-next-door, high-energy, informative, middle-age, midlife, upbeat - Dry Eyes
announcer, caring, confident, cool, friendly, Gravitas, hard-sell, high-energy, informative, motivational, perky, upbeat - How to Drive
anti-announcer, attitude, caring, cocky, confident, conversational, edgy, friendly, Gravitas, gritty, guy-next-door, hard-sell, high-energy, informative, midlife, motivational, sincere, thoughtful, upbeat - Tibet
cartoon, confident, conversational, cool, folksy, friendly, genuine, informative, mellow, motivational, narrative, soft-spoken, storyteller, warm, worldly - Marty M - Character Reel
cartoon, character - Marty M - Narration Reel
- Marty M - Showcase