- Toyota
announcer, Booming, compelling, conversational, cool, friendly, guy-next-door, high-energy, smooth - Tomorrows Great Discoveries
compelling, concerned, confident, country, folksy, genuine, informative, middle-age, midlife, narrative, ominous, real, serious, sincere, storyteller - Skechers
attitude, Booming, bravado, confident, cool, edgy, gravelly, hipster, ominous, pompous, smooth - It's Football Season
anti-announcer, bravado, coach, confident, edgy, extreme, hard-sell, high-energy, middle-age - The Reality Of the Unseen
announcer, compelling, genuine, informative, long form, middle-age, real - Estate Planning
announcer, authoritative, confident, executive, guy-next-door, informative, midlife - Baseball
anti-announcer, compelling, friendly, guy-next-door, humorous, middle-age, narrative, storyteller - Insomnia
antagonistic, compelling, middle-age, ominous, promo, serious - Juke Box
cartoon, country, folksy, grouchy, humorous, kooky, middle-age - Quit Smoking
announcer, conversational, informative, inspirational, middle-age, midlife, motivational, neutral, sincere - Santa Calling
character, grandfather, grouchy, holiday, humorous, middle-age - Toyota
confident, conversational, cool, guy-next-door, informative, upbeat - Showcase Demo - 2024