Comforting, with the wisdom of maturity.
- Erickson Retirement Communities
conversational, folksy, friendly, genuine, mature, nostalgic, older, real, thoughtful, warm - Alabama Tourism
conversational, folksy, friendly, homespun, inspirational, mellow, smooth, soft-spoken, thoughtful, warm - Chesapeake Bank
humorous - Well, I did it!
anti-announcer, confident, genuine, mature, mellow, older, real, upbeat - Answering Machine Mom
crazy, oddball - Alzheimer's
compelling, conversational, folksy, genuine, grandmother, homespun, mature, older, real, sincere, soft-spoken - Fall Prevention
authoritative, caring, mature, older, ominous, serious - Lifetime Health
friendly, inspirational, mature, motivational, sincere, warm - Carrollyn C. - Poiltical
attitude, edgy, political, serious, tough - The WWII Generation
narrative - Carrollyn Co. - Showcase Demo