Boet S Boet has a warm fatherly sound that could also be cold and calculated if the right script gets in front of him!Media: Boet S - Commercial Demoannouncer, britishBoet S - Morgan Freemancharacter, conversational, father, folksy, Morgan Freeman styleBoet S - Corporate Demoannouncer Talent DataAge Range: AdultEthnicity: CaucasianGender: MaleLanguages Spoken: BritishUnion Eligibility: non-unionForeign Language: British
Brian M Brian is all about the Bass! This guy's tones will rattle the floorboards in any production. Sports? Nails it! Guy stuff? Boom! He even has a sensitive side if you need a gentle giant.Media: Dunkin DonutsBooming, Deep Voice, friendly, genuine, guy-next-doorYour Sportsattitude, authoritative, Booming, confident, Deep Voice, edgy, guy-next-door, high-energy, sportscaster, upbeatAmerican Workerscompelling, Deep Voice, guy-next-door, Morgan Freeman style, sincere, thoughtfulThe real Thingattitude, confident, Deep Voice, guy-next-doorWIn A fightattitude, authoritative, Booming, coach, confident, Deep VoiceJust A Boxcaring, compelling, Deep Voice, friendly, genuine, real, sincereGame Dayattitude, authoritative, Booming, coach, confident, Deep Voice, guy-next-door, high-energy, toughCover New Groundannouncer, Deep Voice, guy-next-door, informativeMost Popular Sportannouncer, Booming, Deep VoiceEye Careconversational, Deep VoiceShowcase Demo - Brian Menglish-showcase Talent DataAge Range: AdultEthnicity: African AmericanGender: MaleUnion Eligibility: non-union
Michael L. Deep, smooth tones with a rich texture. Michael will deliver your copy with a unique character that melts the soul.Media: Don't Destroy Medicaid-Politicalannouncer, authoritative, biting, Booming, compelling, concerned, confident, Deep Voice, extreme, Gravitas, ominous, political, serious, toughJohn Willis-Dreaming Big-PoliticalAfrican American, announcer, attitude, compelling, confessional, conversational, cool, country, cowboy, Deep Voice, folksy, genuine, inspirational, mature, Morgan Freeman style, motivational, political, real, sincereSteve Wendell for State Treasurer-Politicalannouncer, authoritative, biting, Booming, classy, compelling, edgy, inspirational, politicalSenetor Scott LeBeau-Politicalannouncer, Booming, classy, compelling, confident, conversational, Deep Voice, informative, inspirational, politicalJohn Locarno-Negative Politicalannouncer, attitude, biting, Booming, edgy, political, serious, toughBirthday Cardbravado, classy, cool, romantic, sexy, smooth, soft-spoken, warmAfrican American Historyannouncer, authoritative, smoothHome Ownerguy-next-door, realNewbornfriendlyMiss Utilityanti-announcer, cool, guy-next-door, realDigital Telephoneannouncer, authoritative, smoothBasketball Is Backannouncer, authoritative, movie-trailer, newscaster, promo, sportscasterCajun King Shrimpannouncer, authoritativeMichael L Showcase Talent DataAge Range: AdultEthnicity: African AmericanGender: MaleUnion Eligibility: non-union