Gabriel has a warm voice that can be tough and gritty too!
- Gabriel U. - English Showcase
accented English, animated, announcer, confessional, confident, conversational, english-showcase, foreign-language, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door, high-energy, informative, inspirational, motivational, narrative, perky, professional, spanish-dialect, thoughtful, tough, upbeat, warm - Gabriel U. - Comercial Showcase
announcer, confident, cool, corporate, friendly, inspirational, promo, retail, spanish-showcase, upbeat - Gabriel U. - Narration Showcase
announcer, cool, foreign-language, friendly, narrative, neutral, spanish-showcase, upbeat - Gabriel U. - Spanish Cartoon Showcase
anti-announcer, cartoon, character, edgy, foreign-language, friendly, gritty, raspy, spanish-showcase
Foreign Language: