Greg is the everyday guy, your best friend, brother, coworker, and dad. He has a great sincerity to his voice. He can also add a little edge and push into those GenX and movie trailer reads.
- Mayo Clinic
announcer, caring, concerned, conversational, friendly, genuine, sincere, thoughtful, warm - Samsung
announcer, cocky, confident, conversational, real - Lexus RX
announcer, authoritative, Booming, classy, compelling, confident, corporate, Deep Voice, executive, Gravitas, inspirational, sophisticated - Fidelity Wealth Management
announcer, caring, conversational, corporate, father, folksy, genuine, inspirational, professional, real - Coors Light
announcer, attitude, biting, cocky, compelling, confident, gritty, homespun - Dr. Pepper
attitude, character, compelling, concerned, confessional, conversational, cool, friendly, genuine, gravelly, jazzy - Taco Bell
announcer, hard-sell, high-energy, promo - Discover Card
caring, conversational, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door, sincere - Dodge Charger
announcer, biting, bravado, confident, cool, Deep Voice, edgy, extreme, raspy - TGI Fridays
conversational, genuine, upbeat - Kettle One Vodka
bravado, confident, cool, edgy, generation-x, genuine, gritty - Verizon Data Plan
confident, conversational, friendly, generation-x, genuine, guy-next-door, real - Your Dad
caring, conversational, father, friendly, genuine, guy-next-door, real, sincere, young adult - Moments with Water
friendly, guy-next-door, sincere, young adult - Coughing Disrupts
announcer, conversational - TV Promo - Showtime
announcer, deadpan, edgy, generation-x, promo - TV Promo - HGTV
announcer, friendly, generation-x, guy-next-door, promo, upbeat - TV Promo -The Voice
announcer, extreme, friendly, generation-x, promo, upbeat - Political TV - Divided America
political - Political TV - One Nation
political - TV - Showcase - Greg E
english-showcase - Showcase Demo
english-showcase - Corporate Narration Demo 2024
announcer, Booming, bravado, conversational, corporate, political, professional, serious - Greg E_ Narration Demo 2024
announcer, compelling, confident, Matter of Fact - Greg E_ Promo Demo 2024
compelling, edgy, Gravitas, mature, newscaster - Greg E_ Trailer Demo 2024
announcer, attitude, Booming, compelling, movie-trailer - Greg E_ Commercial Demo 2023
compelling, corporate, hard-sell, mature, serious